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MONDAY HOUSECALL: Psoriasis, Incontinence, Burning Mouth Syndrome and more … Dana Sparks. February 18, 2013. Milroy Syndrome.
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm training for my first long-distance race, and I want to be safe on my runs. Unfortunately, due to where I live, the[...].
National Influenza Vaccination Week will be observed Dec. 4–8, which makes this a good time to learn more about the flu and why it's especially important[...].
ROCHESTER, Minn. – In the latest issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Mayo Clinic researchers reviewed the importance of the microbiome as a key component of[.
ROCHESTER, Minn. — Patients who received the anticoagulant drug warfarin after bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement had lower incidence of mortality and a ...
Mushrooms can be found in so many dishes, from omelets to stir-fries, that they're often overlooked. But mushrooms not only are versatile, they also provide[...].
Antibiotics treat bacterial infections, prevent the spread of disease and reduce serious complications of disease. But misusing antibiotics can lead to drug ...
Most small kidney stones can pass on their own. However, kidney stones that are too large to pass on their own or cause bleeding, kidney damage or[...].
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have been hearing about this pediatric syndrome that affects children with COVID-19. A friend recently said it can affect adults, too.
As someone affected by chronic liver disease, Susan Parrott knows how it feels to live in uncertainty. But every few months, the anxiety and doubt[...].
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