Search Results 631-640 of 16843 for causes of attention deficit disorder
An EEG also might be helpful for diagnosing or treating: Brain tumors. Brain damage from a head injury. Brain disease that can have a variety of causes, known ...
This medicine will add to the effects of alcohol and other CNS depressants (medicines that slow down the nervous system, possibly causing drowsiness). Some ...
Diseases & Conditions ... The child needs regular health checkups by a doctor trained in heart diseases, called a cardiologist. ... Symptoms & causesDoctors & ...
Eating foods that are high in the amino acid tyramine or taking certain other medicines while taking an MAOI can cause dangerously high blood pressure. MAOIs ...
Advanced diagnosis and treatment. Pediatric hematology specialists at Mayo have extensive experience in diagnosing and treating both common and unusual causes ...
Certain health conditions in the baby, such as restricted growth or a genetic disorder. If you have low amniotic fluid and you're 36 to 37 weeks pregnant, the ...
The most likely cause is either Graves' disease or overactive thyroid nodules. If your thyroid gland takes in a low amount of radioiodine, that means hormones ...
Your doctor might refer you to a doctor who specializes in nervous system disorders (neurologist) to rule out brain conditions that could be causing your ...
causes · Diagnosis & treatment · Doctors ... Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans help doctors diagnose tumors, strokes, aneurysms, neurological diseases and ...
Diseases & conditions ... As you start feeling better, your healthcare professional likely will have you slowly add low-fiber foods. ... causing diverticulitis.
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