Search Results 541-550 of 17619 for hernias
Jacksonville, FL. Areas of focus: Wound care, Wound ulcer healing, Soft tissue injection, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Laparotomy, Bowel resection, Ap...
... Hernia repair, Hernia, Gas...troesophageal reflux disease. Show more areas of focus for James A. Madura, II, M.D.. Michael A. Mahr, M.D..
This digestive problem tends to develop in people who've had stomach surgery and sometimes contributes to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
The minimized incision in a robot-assisted kidney transplant lowers risk of complications such as hernia and infection. Faster recovery. A smaller incision ...
Areas of focus: Minimally invasive surgery, Bariatric surgery, Gastric bypass surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Hernia repair, Hernia, Gas...troesophageal ...
Had treatment for cancer such as chemotherapy. Had hernia surgery. Testicles that are smaller than the typical adult size, or swollen veins in the bag of skin ...
Other laparoscopic procedures include inguinal hernia repair, cholecystectomy, splenectomy, adrenalectomy, and lymph node biopsy prior to liver resection.
... hernia, Intestinal obstruction, Diaphragmatic hernia, Immune thrombocytopenia, Umbilical hernia, Sarcoma, Inguinal hernia, Hemangioma, Congenital ...
Laparoscopic surgery, VATS, Cholecystectomy, Thoracotomy, Hernia repair, Feeding tube placement, Appendectomy, Rib frac... ... Hernia, Diverticulitis ...
... hernia repair, HIPEC, Tracheobronchoplasty, Lung surgery, Vascular access surgery, Neonatal surgery, Cancer, Soft tissue sarcoma, Congenital diaphragmatic ...
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