Search Results 491-500 of 16362 for Ureaplasma urealyticum
- Known active infection with hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C virus - Known infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) - Use of any other ...
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of antibiotics and closer monitoring on decreasing infection in patients discharging with a chest tube ...
Variables evaluated will include postoperative complications including death within 30 days, wound infection, length of hospital stay, and readmission rates.
For example, a sore on the skin that is not healing could be mistaken for a skin infection. Tests and procedures used in the diagnosis of epithelioid ...
That's because the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found a significant increase in reported cases of babesiosis(bah-bee-see-oh-sis) infection in ...
Active systemic disease, such as AIDS, HIV, or active infection. Active infection or the skin is compromised at the surgical site. Systemic disease that ...
Irritation or infection of the vagina—Usually estrogens decrease infections or irritation of the vagina, but sometimes these conditions may become worse.
The objectives of this study are to establish the dynamic changes in iron metabolism and circulating iron-regulatory immune cells in kidney transplant infection ...
Foot pain? Headache? Sore throat? Skin rash? Use the Symptom Checker to find out what's causing your symptom. SelectedChoose a symptom; Select related ...
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