Search Results 3461-3470 of 17647 for rheumatoid arthritis
Karantanis D, Durski JM, Lowe VJ, Nathan MA, Mullan BP, Georgiou E, Johnston PB, Wiseman GA. 18F-FDG PET and PET/CT in Burkitt's lymphoma. Eur J Radiol. 2010 ...
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Koch AT, Keuseman RL, Parikh R, Legler SR, Ayanian S, Boyapati RB, Fischer KM, Lawson DK, Dugani SB, Burton MC, Pagali SR. Innovative telehospitalist model ...
Joao Passos, Ph.D., studies cellular senescence to find new interventions for age-associated chronic disease in his Cell and Molecular Aging Lab at Mayo ...
The Human and Integrative Physiology and Clinical Pharmacology Lab of Michael J. Joyner, M.D., at Mayo Clinic studies response to physical and mental stress ...
Cohen N, Young R, Lin E, Chao L. Beyond the cuff: a consideration of factors that affect sexual function after benign hysterectomy Obstetrics and Gynecology ...
Gavrancic T, Stoddard K, Lewis J, Gorasevic M, Murawska Baptista A, Cortes M, Smerina M, Pagan RJ, Dumitrascu A, Rueda Prada L. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 ...
Leigh D, Wangsgard C, Cabrera D. Hardware for the Heart: The Increasing Impact of Pacemakers, ICDs, and LVADs. Managing Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator ...
Search for a doctor. Robert T. Flinchbaugh, D.O.. Family Physician. Request an Appointment · Overview. Patient Stories. Print. PST-20218789.
Blickenstaff EA, O'Shea M, Barry T, Arsanjani R, Fasolino JP, Hagler DJ, Marcotte F, Majdalany DS. "Unkinking" the "Kink" Normalizes the Doppler Pattern.
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