Search Results 21-30 of 4038 for broken
Treatment depends on the site and severity of the injury. Simple breaks might be treated with a sling and ice. Complicated fractures may require surgery.
Broken Collarbone Can Take Months to Heal Completely. June 29, 2012. Dear Mayo Clinic: I broke my collarbone in a car accident four months ago. It is healing ...
For healing, any broken bone must be kept still. People who have a broken collarbone usually need to wear a sling. Bone healing usually takes 3 to 6 weeks for ...
Pain when wearing shoes and difficulty walking can signal a broken toe — so see your health care provider to help it heal and ease pain.
A broken nose can cause pain, swelling and bruising around your nose and eyes. Surgery usually isn't necessary.
Three years ago, when I was 17, I broke my collarbone. It healed quickly, but I still have a noticeable bump over the spot where the bone was broken. What's ...
Diagnosis. The diagnosis of a broken wrist generally includes a physical exam of the affected hand and X-rays. Other imaging tests.
Treatment of a broken leg depends on the location and severity of the injury. Surgical repair uses metal pins and plates to hold the fragments together.
There is a common culprit behind many broken New Year's resolutions and other unrealized goals, says Dr. Safia Debar,
"The reality was setting in that I was broken. But no one could figure out what was causing my bones to crack." — Don Varney. When the excruciating pain spread ...
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