Search Results 251-260 of 19095 for birth control
Management of abnormal uterine bleeding; Diagnosis and treatment of uterine ... Birth control pill method; CO-2 laser treatment; Colposcopy; Conization ...
Appropriate studies have not been performed on the relationship of age to the effects of estradiol and norethindrone combination in the pediatric population.
This can include information about your birth control use and any pregnancies or breastfeeding. Also note any past surgeries on your ovaries and anytime you ...
The most effective forms of birth control are hormone birth control pills, patches, shots, vaginal rings, or implants, or a vasectomy (for men). One of ...
Male patients who have female partners should use effective birth control during treatment with this medicine and for at least 3 months after the last dose. If ...
Birth control pills (oral contraceptives) or hormone replacement therapy. Both can increase the blood's ability to clot. Being overweight or obese. Being ...
Understand your birth control options, hormonal therapy options and what measures can be taken to improve your quality of life. When in doubt, talk to your ...
Use another form of birth control (eg, condoms, spermicide) along with your pills. Female patients should use effective birth control during treatment and for ...
Use an effective form of birth control to keep from getting pregnant. If you think you have become pregnant while using this medicine, tell your doctor ...
Use birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy, which can make your blood more likely to clot; Have a family history of a blood-clotting disorder or a ...
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