Search Results 241-250 of 4033 for broken
Broken bones. American College of Emergency Physicians. Accessed Jan. 27, 2023 ...
Broken bones. Generalized spasms may cause fractures of the spine or other bones. Death. Death from tetanus is often caused by a blocked airway during ...
This disorder can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep or both, even though you have the chance for enough sleep. It can drain your energy.
These types of injuries affect the nerves that link the brain and spinal cord to nerves in other parts of the body.
Ever put a kid on your lap for a trip down a slide? While you may think that makes sliding safer, new research suggests it could increase the risk for ...
These glands are called lobules. Invasive cancer means that the cancer cells have broken out of the lobule where they began and spread into the breast tissue.
Large sores, broken skin, or severe skin injury at the place of application—The chance of side effects may be increased. Perioral dermatitis (skin problem) ...
"I was really broken up," Parry says. "Most of the right side of my body was badly injured. My neck, back, arm and right leg were all broken." Over the next ...
Falls on ice and snow can result in injuries, such as broken arms, legs and hips, severe back injuries, and concussions. The Centers for Disease Control and ...
Broken hand · Broken wrist · Carpal tunnel syndrome · Dupuytren contracture; Hand arthritis; Hand injury; Hand mass; Nerve entrapment; Scaphoid nonunion ...
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