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Epithelial biology. Immunology. Microbiology and the microbiome. Physiology. To apply, send your curriculum vitae, a bibliography, a brief statement of your ...
The Mayo Clinic Biobank is a collection of health information and biological samples, such as blood, that is used for medical research. Find out more:.
The facility's focus is on helping investigators to do hands-on X-ray crystallography work themselves, as well as on developing long-term relationships. It is ...
About this study. The purpose of this research is to study immune cells called T cells and monocytes (types of blood cells that fight infection and can also ...
Matthew Maurer and his colleagues at Mayo Clinic work with collaborators from around the world.
Cobomarsen is designed to inhibit the activity of a molecule called miR-155 that may be important to the growth and survival of MF cancer cells. The effects of ...
About this study. The purpose of this study is to determine if a relay lens and right angle mirror can be used in conjunction with an FDA-approved optical ...
The Neuroregeneration and Neurorehabilitation Lab studies cellular and molecular mechanisms of central nervous system injury and regeneration. This research is ...
Vachon, Celine M. Ph.D.; Professor of Epidemiology; Publications · Vella, Adrian M.D.. Professor of Medicine; Publications ...
This trial studies how well two surgical procedures (bilateral salpingectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy) work in reducing the risk of ovarian cancer ...
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