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Participant eligibility includes age, gender, type and stage of disease, and previous treatments or health concerns. Guidelines differ from study to study, and ...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of vibegron, a beta-3 adrenergic receptor (β3-AR) agonist, in the treatment of pain ...
The purpose of this study is to prospectively examine thirty (30) specimens, using special stains to help locate the nerves on the undersurface of the NAC.
About this study. This randomized pilot clinical trial studies the side effects and best dose of naloxegol and to see how well it works in treating patients ...
This study is to evaluate the safety, efficacy and clinical benefit of BGB-3111 vs ibrutinib in subjects with MYD88 Mutation Waldenström's Macroglobulinemia.
Jean Marrero-Polanco is a student in Dr. Athreya's Health Engineering and Analytics Laboratory (HEAL) at Mayo Clinic.
Study to Assess the Blood Concentrations and Actions of Recombinant Human Parathyroid Hormone (rhPTH [1-84]) When Given Once and Twice Daily to Subjects With ...
Metabolites are susceptible to a large number of "pre-analytic" sources of variability that should be addressed before samples are collected. The core staff has ...
Dr. LaRusso holds several U.S. patents for his work in the Cholangiopathies Lab and collaborates with other investigators on liver diseases.
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