Search Results 221-230 of 16406 for mesenteric+lymphadenitis
About this study. RATIONALE: Lymphadenectomy may remove tumor cells that have spread to nearby lymph nodes in patients with invasive bladder cancer.
Having a larger than normal liver is a sign of a serious problem, such as liver disease, congestive heart failure or cancer.
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Learn how this cancer differs from other lymphomas. Find out about risk factors and treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiation and bone marrow transplant.
Noh KW, Wallace MB, Pascual JM, Wolfsen HC, Raimondo M, Woodward TA. Fine-needle aspiration of peritumoral lymph nodes in esophageal cancer with endobronchial ...
... mesenteric or portal lymph nodes ≤ 2.0 cm each; Risk of hepatic or renal failure; Tumor replacement > 70% of total liver volume based on visual estimation by ...
The purpose of this study is to objectively measure gastric motility during a standardized test meal, and over the full course of the WPS test, identify ...
[MUSIC PLAYING]. Why choose Mayo Clinic for Adrenal Treatment. Travis J. McKenzie, M.D., Endocrine and Metabolic Surgery: Here at Mayo, in endocrine and ...
This group of lung diseases cause progressive lung tissue scarring and affect your ability to breathe and get enough oxygen into your bloodstream.
Mammary duct ectasia is a noncancerous breast condition that affects the milk ducts. Learn the signs and symptoms and when treatment might be needed.
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