Search Results 2081-2090 of 16681 for Thoracoscopy
The purpose of this trial is to identify cancer survivors who are at increased risk of developing late-occurring complications after undergoing treatment ...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of perioperative electronic physical activity monitor use in a surgical population. Participation ...
WHAT: The Irving S. Cooper Memorial Lecture entitled "The Amygdala and the Stethoscope: How Emotions Affect the Practice of Medicine," presented by Danielle ...
I've always enjoyed reading. Browsing through bookstores and antique shops looking at books both old and new fascinates me. Handling old books and thinking ...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the ability to determine the first heart sound (S1) and its relationship to aerobic capacity. Participation eligibility.
Search for a doctor. Matthew A. Warner, M.D.. Anesthesiologist; Critical Care Specialist. Request an Appointment · Overview. Patient Stories.
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Learn about this common cancer, including information on prevention, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
About this study. This study is being done to determine if screening for abnormal lipids in children can be accurately performed using a fingerstick method.
This week's case is a review of slide images from a 63-year-old female who presented with a 6-centimeter groin mass. Can you make the diagnosis[...].
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