Search Results 1971-1980 of 16641 for Thoracoscopy
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am an African American woman in her 40s. I recently had a well-woman checkup done and was told that I also should[...] MAYO CLINIC RADIO.
Learn about innovative treatment for throat cancers, mouth cancers, tongue cancers, tonsil cancers and other cancers that affect the head and neck.
7 signs and symptoms not to ignore · spoonful of different pills and medication tablets. Some subtle symptoms — such as shortness of breath — could be red ...
Analyzing the genetic makeup of breast cancer cells to understand how DNA changes affect response to cancer treatments and personalize treatment options.
The purpose of this study is to compare validated clinical and functional outcomes between patients who acutely present with 3- and 4-part Proximal Humerus ...
Learn about this common cancer, including information on prevention, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
ROCHESTER, Minn. — It's not unusual to have one or more family members with some form of heart disease. Nonetheless, some people may not even[...] ...
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Learn about endometriosis, including possible treatments for this condition that can cause pain and sometimes infertility.
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