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1. Identify a mentor. Identifying a primary mentor is one of the most important steps in applying to the KL2 Mentored Career Development Program. With input ...
SUMMARY. The research interests of Vesna D. Garovic, M.D., center around hypertension and nephrology, with a special focus on women's health.
Researcher Gyanendra Kumar, M.D., studies the field of stroke neurology and cerebrovascular disorders at Mayo Clinic.
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Ajit H. Goenka, M.D., is a radiologist at Mayo Clinic who studies artificial intelligence and advanced molecular imaging techniques to improve early ...
The purpose of this study is to assess the safety, effectiveness, and pharmacokinetics of THE-630 in participants with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors ...
The purpose of this clinical study is to assess the safety and effectiveness of the immunotherapeutic product GSK 2302032A when given to Non-Small Cell Lung ...
Infectious Diseases Laboratory of Robin Patel, M.D., at Mayo Clinic: Infectious diseases research, diagnosis and treatment patents.
Jeffrey B. Geske, M.D., is a consultant in the Division of Cardiovascular Diseases at Mayo Clinic. He is interested in noninvasive hemodynamic assessment of ...
The research interests of Karina A. Keogh, M.D., focus on asthma and airway diseases occurring alone or in the setting of a system disease process such as ...
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