Search Results 131-140 of 4021 for broken
An X-ray of the shoulder joint can show the dislocation and possibly reveal broken bones or other damage to the shoulder joint. More Information.
A mild (0.5% to 1%) hydrocortisone (steroid) cream twice a day for 3 to 5 days. An antifungal cream, if your baby has a fungal infection. Antibiotic medicine ...
Note: Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should not use finasteride or handle the crushed or broken tablets. Finasteride can cause birth defects ...
Large sores, broken skin, or severe skin injury at the place of application—The chance of side effects may be increased. Back to top. Proper Use. It is very ...
... Broken hand, Growth plate fracture, Broken arm, Avascular necrosis, Scaphoid nonunion, Hand mass. Show more areas of focus for Courtney R. Carlson Strother ...
Apply an antibiotic ointment or petroleum jelly to the blister and cover it with a nonstick bandage or gauze pad. After several days, cut away the dead skin.
Serious wounds can be deep and dangerous with severe bleeding and a risk of infection. Seek prompt medical help for a foreign object that is very painful or is ...
Learn about these nerve injuries that usually result from auto or motorcycle accidents, and find out which procedures can help restore arm function.
A fall on the stairs landed Jackie in the Emergency Department with a broken back. Then, while still healing from the first event, Jackie fell again. This ...
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