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Many people have heard of varicose veins before. But it's not just the leg veins that can become twisted, enlarged, and feel achy or itchy.[...].
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: When the holidays end, it's hard to have things to look forward to and find motivation to exercise. How can I stay[...].
Carroll Sharp could have a regular chair in the Blood Donor Center at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. He's been giving blood for more than 60[...].
Turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes are Thanksgiving staples. Yet, potatoes tend to get a bad rap when it comes to eating a healthy diet. But[...].
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My kids are heading back to school, but we'll be packing lunches for them this year. I want to make sure I'm[...].
At some point in their lifetimes, most people will experience a nosebleed. It's common for adults and children, especially during dry winter months. Although ...
Nights are getting cooler, and the trees are starting to change colors as autumn begins. And routines are changing because kids are back to school,[...].
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a health advisory, asking clinicians and public health departments to be on the lookout for infants[..
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My daughter seems to be prone to nosebleeds, and I am unsure why. She is 19 and has allergies. Over the past few[...].
RISE for Youth, a first-of-its-kind collaboration between Mayo Clinic and the Rochester branch of the NAACP, recently wrapped up its inaugural year of ...
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