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Cornejo A, Lekah A, Kurklinsky AK. Neoplastic zebras of venous thrombosis: Diagnostic challenges in vascular medicine. Phlebology. 2015 Dec; 30(10):744-8.
Young KA, Rodeheffer RJ, Bird JG, Miranda WR, Chen HH, Oh JK, Kane GC. Association of Impaired Relaxation Mitral Inflow Pattern (Grade 1 Diastolic Function) ...
Hand numbness can be caused by damage, irritation, or compression of a nerve or a branch of a nerve in your arm and wrist. Diseases affecting the peripheral ...
Motion of the Intermediate Component of Eccentric Tripolar Total Hip Arthroplasty Prosthesis · Stress Analysis with Resurfacing Hip Prosthesis · Optimal Fixation ...
Search for a doctor. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, M.D., M.S.. Cardiologist; Echocardiographer; Internist. Request an Appointment · Overview · News. News.
Spinal cord tumors can cause serious problems such as pain and paralysis. Find out how more about management and treatment.
Fuel groundbreaking medical research! ... Your donation powers the future of medicine and helps save lives. Give Now.
The purpose of this study is to retrospectively evaluate the complication rate and outcomes of ultrasound-guided micro-invasive surgical procedures performed at ...
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