Search Results 91-100 of 20413 for arm pain
The rash, which can be itchy and painful, is often the first sign of dermatomyositis. ... arms and neck. The weakness affects both the left and right sides ...
Learn about this neurological condition that may affect an arm or a leg after an injury or surgery. Early treatment may prevent a recurrence.
Abdominal pain; Abnormal liver enzymes (See: Abnormal liver enzymes, also known asElevated liver enzymes); Anal pain · Ankle pain ... Arm pain. Back to top ...
The toe of the injured leg or the finger of the injured arm is numb or discolored at the tip. You suspect a bone is broken in the neck, head or back ...
Although mild muscle pain is a relatively common side effect of statins, some people who take statin medications to lower their cholesterol may have severe ...
The test can tell if you have had or are having a heart attack. Sticky patches with sensors on them go on the chest and sometimes the arms and legs. Wires ...
Your chest pain is accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, dizziness or fainting; The pain radiates beyond your chest to one or both of your arms ...
Learn about this condition that causes pain and swelling in muscles of the legs or arms during exercise.
Pain also may be felt in the arms, neck, jaw, shoulder or back. Call 911 or your local emergency number if you are having sudden or unexplained chest pain. A ...
Make an appointment with a healthcare professional if any of these symptoms of strep throat occur: Sore throat that comes on suddenly. Pain when swallowing.
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