Patient rights, responsibilities and privacy

    Mayo Clinic believes that every patient in our care should be treated with dignity, respect and compassion. We recognize that all patients have basic rights, and we are committed to honoring these rights. Likewise, the clinic has a right to expect reasonable and responsible behavior from patients, and their relatives and friends.

    This understanding serves as a foundation for a good relationship between patients and caregivers.

    To encourage patients and families to be part of the health care safety team, the Joint Commission has developed the Speak Up program, which provides information on health care safety issues.

    Patient rights and responsibilities

    Mayo Clinic respects and considers your rights as a patient and recognizes that you as an individual have unique health care needs.

    How we use your medical information

    Mayo Clinic is committed to protecting patients' privacy and maintaining confidentiality. Mayo Clinic limits access to only the pertinent medical information employees need to do their jobs. We believe that appropriate access to your medical record by members of your care team enables us to provide you with the most comprehensive care available.

    Patients' privacy rights and Mayo Clinic's privacy practices are outlined in a document called the “Notice of Privacy Practices.”

    Patients receive a copy during their first appointment and are asked to sign a form that acknowledges they have received the information. Mayo Clinic takes its responsibility for protecting patients' medical information seriously. Providing you with the notice and having you sign the acknowledgment that you received a copy are part of our efforts to comply with the rules mandated by the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

    If there is information in Mayo Clinic's medical record about you that you believe is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to request the information be changed.

    National Doctors’ Day is March 30!

    Make a gift to honor and celebrate the contributions of our world-class doctors.