Optimal Time to Refer for Kidney Transplant Evaluation April 11, 2022 Overview Show transcript Overview Carrie A. Schinstock, M.D., transplant nephrologist at Mayo Clinic, discusses how an early referral of patients with kidney failure for a transplant evaluation benefits the patient and care team by providing them with more options. Mayo Clinic's kidney transplant doctors and surgeons use proven innovations to successfully treat people with kidney failure and complications of diabetes and other diseases. They work with each individual to develop treatments specifically for that person, using a mix of minimally invasive surgery, new medicines to prevent organ rejection and specialized procedures. Refer a patient Learn more about early referrals for patient with kidney failure. Receive Mayo Clinic news in your inbox. Sign up Related ContentArticlePreventing glomerulonephritis after kidney transplantArticleMayo Clinic offers kidney transplant to patients with high BMI who were previously considered ineligible VID-20531254 Medical Professionals Optimal time to refer for kidney transplant evaluation