Jan. 30, 2025 We collaborate with you to provide advanced options for scoliosis Scoliosis specialists at Mayo Clinic Children's Center collaborate with you to provide advanced, comprehensive scoliosis treatment options, including vertebral body tethering. This is a minimally invasive, motion-sparing alternative to traditional fusion. Jan. 31, 2023 Mayo Clinic orthopedics and sports medicine: Tommy John & elbow injuries In this video, Mayo Clinic experts in orthopedics, physiatry and sports medicine discuss elbow injuries they commonly see in patients, as well as nonoperative and operative treatments for these injuries. They also discuss an exciting elbow surgery advance and ongoing research into elbow injury risk factors at Mayo Clinic. Jan. 17, 2023 Shoulder and upper extremity care at Mayo Clinic Orthopedics and Sports Medicine This video describes shoulder care your patients may receive at Mayo Clinic Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, located in Rochester and Minneapolis, Minnesota. Hear about the latest operative and nonoperative shoulder and elbow treatments, along with the technology that the expert team brings to patients April 11, 2022 Hip impingement Kelechi R. Okoroha, M.D., orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, discusses evolution of the understanding of hip impingement during the last decade, origins of hip impingement, the treatment approach and how the treatment may at times vary by age group. March 31, 2022 Knee care at Mayo Clinic Orthopedics and Sports Medicine The Mayo Clinic knee care team uses nonoperative and operative treatments to restore patients with knee damage to function and a pain-free lifestyle. Whether it's injectables or cell therapy with orthobiologics, in-office procedures that previously were performed only in the OR, or surgical repairs, the group is known for offering innovative treatm March 30, 2022 Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Working toward more diversity in orthopedic surgery Mayo Clinic is working to change the historically low percentage of women and minorities in orthopedic surgery. As part of this effort, Mayo Clinic participated in a program developed by an organization called Nth Dimensions, through which two females participated in a summer clinical and research internship in orthopedic surgery. In addition, an o March 30, 2022 Hip care at Mayo Clinic Orthopedics and Sports Medicine This video highlights a Mayo Clinic hip care team that uses operative and nonoperative means to restore patients with hip damage to pain-free lifestyles. The video includes the story of a young basketball player with hip impingement. March 15, 2022 Arthroscopic technique for distal tibial allograft bone augmentation with suture anchor fixation for anterior shoulder instability Using a tibial allograft, John M. Tokish, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon at Mayo Clinic's campus in Arizona, augments a patient's bone with suture anchor fixation to repair shoulder instability. March 14, 2022 Simulation of ideal pediatric trauma resuscitation This video simulates a trauma care team preparing and then treating a 5-year-old injured in an ATV crash. Oct. 01, 2021 Thread ultrasound-guided carpal tunnel release This incisionless release — known as thread ultrasound-guided carpal tunnel release (TCTR) — uses an abrasive thread looped percutaneously to dissect the transverse carpal ligament (TCL) and is performed using local anesthesia. June 30, 2021 Precision spine care Mayo Clinic offers the next generation of precision spine care. Learn more about how Mayo Clinic can help provide your patient the best care possible. Feb. 16, 2021 Anterior vertebral body tethering: A thoracoscopic fusionless procedure for skeletally immature patients with scoliosis Mayo Clinic pediatric orthopedic surgeons A. Noelle Larson, M.D., and Todd A. Milbrandt, M.D., demonstrate anterior vertebral body tethering on patients with scoliosis Medical Professionals Orthopedic Surgery Videos