Resultados de la búsqueda 321-330 of 22857 for Cancer
Accessed Aug. 30, 2022. Lee CI, et al. Risk-based breast cancer screening: Implications of breast density. The Medical Clinics of North America. 2017; doi: ...
The purpose of this study is to develop a biorepository of blood samples from cancer patients participating in the Gemini (IRB 19-006717) protocol. These ...
The primary aim of this study is to determine if the addition of an individual polygenic risk score (PRS) in addition to the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment ...
Este tipo de cáncer se forma cerca de muchas otras partes del sistema digestivo, como el hígado, el páncreas y el intestino delgado. Cuando el cáncer ampular se ...
The purpose of this study is to develop a pan-gynecologic cancer detection test using gynecologic (unique endometrial, cervical, and ovarian cancer) cancer ...
The purpose of this study is to develop a biorepository of blood samples from cancer patients participating in the Gemini (IRB 19-006717) protocol.
El examen de detección de cáncer oral podría dar lugar a pruebas adicionales. Muchas personas tienen llagas en la boca, y la gran mayoría de estas llagas no son ...
The purposes of this study are (i) to obtain and study biospecimens from patients with breast cancer that has either spread out of the breast or recurred ...
... cancer, and to evaluate whether the baseline peripheral blood immune phenotype differs between patients with breast cancer and age-matched healthy controls.
La rehabilitación en cáncer es un programa que ayuda a las personas con cáncer a mantener y recuperar el bienestar físico y emocional. La rehabilitación en ...
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