Resultados de la búsqueda 1701-1710 of 6053 for first aid index
Understand the natural history of cardiac sarcoidosis through evaluation of outcomes of patients in the registry; Determine risk factors for sarcoid involvement ...
The purpose of this study is to determine the long-term outcome of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) recipients with congestive heart failure and any ...
El Departamento de Medicina y Patología de Laboratorio de Mayo Clinic incluye más de 95 laboratorios únicos y centros especializados en patología.
The purpose of this study is to collect and store cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)from patients with normal CSF. This stored CSF will be used in the future as a ...
Los pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular tienen un mayor riesgo de desarrollar tromboembolismo venoso (coágulos sanguíneos en las venas profundas). Las ...
1. To identify the genetic causes of bicuspid aortic valve disease and its associated thoracic aortic disease. 2. To identify potential pathways to predict the ...
The primary purpose/objective of this study is to determine whether myectomy as a management option for severe hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) reduces the ...
El túnel carpiano es un conducto que se extiende desde la muñeca hasta la mano y está conformado por tendones, ligamentos y huesos.
Patients undergoing spine lumbar surgery will be asked to perform short exams/questionnaires aimed at determining cognitive function, quality of life, health ...
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