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The overall goal of this study is to understand if adding inotuzumab ozogamicin to standard of care chemotherapy maintains or improves outcomes in High Risk B- ...
Infórmate más sobre los síntomas, el diagnóstico y los tratamientos para este tipo de cáncer que se inicia en el riñón.
This phase I trial evaluates the safety, effectiveness, and best dose of onvansertib for the treatment of patients with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia that ...
The primary aim of this study is to determine if the addition of an individual polygenic risk score (PRS) in addition to the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment ...
La grasa subcutánea es la grasa del abdomen que puedes sentir si te pellizcas la piel y los tejidos sobrantes alrededor de la zona media.
This study does not involve experimental treatment of any ocular tumor, but rather observation of tumor natural history or outcomes following standard of ...
This randomized phase II trial studies how well olaparib, cediranib maleate, and standard chemotherapy work in treating patients with small cell lung cancer.
Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to determine whether accelerated BEP chemotherapy is more effective than standard BEP chemotherapy in males with ...
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