Resultados de la búsqueda 1141-1150 of 11498 for polycystic ovary syndrome
InPACT-neoadjuvant patients are stratified by disease burden as assessed by radiological criteria. Treatment options are then defined according to the ...
Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to compare the fecal microbiota of patients with mild, moderate and severe Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) by ...
Estar en forma — de estiramientos, flexibilidad, y ejercicio aeróbido a entrenamiento de fuerza y nutrición deportiva.
Evaluate the influence of the critical shoulder angle (CSA) on rotator cuff failure after total anatomic shoulder arthroplasty. Clinical Outcomes of Patients ...
A test based on H3K36me3 loss, a newly identified epigenomic fingerprint, may help providers improve diagnosis and treatment of advanced disease across a wide ...
InPACT-neoadjuvant patients are stratified by disease burden as assessed by ... disease, with either carcinoma in situ with or without Ta/T1 disease.
Departamentos y especialidades. Mayo Clinic tiene uno de los centros médicos más grandes y experimentados en los Estados Unidos, con sedes en Arizona, ...
Collection of tissue and blood from patients with residual disease after neoadjuvant systemic therapy for breast cancer. We hope to use these samples to ...
This study aims to investigate the utility of using plasma DNA methylation to detect measurable residual disease or early recurrence/progression of patients ...
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