Ensayos clínicos A continuación, se enumeran los ensayos clínicos actuales.16 estudios en Medicina del dolor (solo estudios abiertos). Filtra esta lista de estudios por sede, estatus, etc. A Study to Evaluate Prevalence of Hypogonadism in Patients with Chronic Pain Jacksonville, Fla. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the hormonal profile related to opioid-induced hypogonadism (OIH) in chronic pain patients before and after completing 3 weeks Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Program (IPRP) at Pain Rehabilitation Center (PRC) at Mayo Clinic/Florida. A Study of Quality of Life and Pain Control Before and After Endovascular Renal Denervation in Individuals with Refractory Kidney Pain Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to examine patient reported outcomes including pain, quality of life, depression and impact on kidney blood flow before and after procedure to destroy the pain sensory nerves of the kidneys in patients with untreatable one or two sided kidney pain. We will also collect retrospective data on patientsn who underwent the procedure as clinical care but did not particiapte in the prospective study. Exparel Injection for Postoperative Orbital Pain Rochester, Minn. After surgery to remove the eye, either by enucleation or evisceration, patients have variable levels of pain for several postoperative days. Some patients have almost no discomfort while others require significant amounts of oral narcotics and report pain of 10 out of 10 on a numerical rating scale. The current operative standard is to infiltrate the eye socket with 0.5% bupivacaine during surgery leading to several hours of postoperative analgesia. In 2011, Pacira Pharmaceuticals released a bupivacaine liposomal injectable suspension (Exparel, 1.3%) which offers sustained release of bupivacaine giving postoperative pain control for up to 72 hours. This medication has been used in numerous surgeries including inguinal hernia repair, hemorrhoidectomy, bunionectomy, breast reconstruction, and orthopedic surgery, and the literature reports improved pain control, decreased use of oral opioids, and increased patient satisfaction. There are no reports of the use of Exparel in the ophthalmic literature. The investigators propose a randomized, controlled trial to compare the postoperative pain control offered by sustained release bupivacaine to that offered by standard plain bupivacaine after enucleation or evisceration. A Study to Evaluate Droperidol Use in the Emergency Department and the Effect on QTc Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to study the length of the QTc interval in patients receiving the standard of care dose of intravenous droperidol for headache or migraine, nausea, pain, and indications other than agitation over 30 minutes. A Study to Analyze the Effects of Buprenorphine on Hyperalgesia in Patients with Opioid Use Disorder Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of buprenorphine on hyperalgesia (HP) perception in adults undergoing treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD). Magnetic Resonance Elastography of Myofascial Pain Syndrome Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to develop MRE-based imaging biomarkers to measur the mechanical properties of the myofascial interface and determine if there are changes in these parameters in MPS patients and if these parameters can be used to monitor treatment responses and predict patient outcomes. Resting State Connectivity in Adolescents with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and Chronic Pain Rochester, Minn. The purposes of this study are to compare the functional connectivity in adolescent patients with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) both with and without chronic pain, to those with chronic pain alone, to that of healthy controls; to evaluate whether there is a change in functional connectivity following participation in an intensive rehabilitation-oriented program previously demonstrated to have excellent outcomes with regard to functional recovery and symptom control; and to correlate outcomes using standardized symptom and function rating scales to imaging findings. A Study to Assess Study Design and Potential Willingness to Participate in a Future Study of Opioid Tapering Eau Claire, Wis., Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to administer a survey to elicit interest in participating in a future proposed trial involving a very slow tapering of opioid medications (approximately 10% dose reduction every month) for up to 12 months. A Study of Serum Baclofen Levels in Patients with Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to determine serum levels of baclofen in patients with spasticity managed with long-term intrathecal baclofen therapy. Analysis of Orthobiologic Agents (OBA) for Painful Musculoskeletal Conditions and Tissue Regeneration Jacksonville, Fla. The objectives of this study are to determine the effect of patient factors and manufacturing procedures on OBA product characteristics, to assess the clinical outcomes of patients affected by multiple painful musculoskeletal disorders and tissue regeneration needs that are treated with guided procedures in the Mayo Clinic Pain practice, to assess genetic and epigenetic factors associated to multiple painful musculoskeletal disorders and tissue regeneration needs, to determine the effect of OBA characteristics on patient outcomes for patients treated with OBA procedures, including a reference group of patients not receiving OBAs as part of their medical care. Numeración de páginas Estudios clínicos Ir a página 11 Ir a página 22 SiguientePróxima página Solicite una consulta InvestigaciónNoticias de Mayo Clinic Aug. 14, 2024 Comparte en: FacebookTwitter Medicina del dolorSeccionesPanorama generalEnfermedades que se tratanAnálisis y procedimientosMédicosInvestigaciónEnsayos clínicosNoticias de Mayo ClinicCostos & seguro médicoRemisiones Investigación: los pacientes son la prioridad Mostrar la transcripción Para video Investigación: los pacientes son la prioridad [SUENA MÚSICA] Dr. Joseph Sirven, profesor de Neurología, Mayo Clinic: La misión de Mayo se centra en el paciente. La prioridad es el paciente. Aquí, la misión y la investigación se hacen para progresar en la forma de ayudar mejor al paciente y para asegurarnos de que el paciente sea la prioridad en la atención médica. De muchas maneras, esto equivale a un ciclo. Puede comenzar con algo tan simple como una idea que se desarrolla en un laboratorio, se traslada a la atención directa del paciente y, si todo sale bien y resulta útil o beneficioso, pasa a ser el método estándar. Creo que una de las características tan singulares de la forma de investigar en Mayo es la concentración en el paciente, y es lo que realmente le ayuda a captar la atención de todos. SeccionesSolicite una ConsultaPanorama generalEnfermedades que se tratanAnálisis y procedimientosMédicosInvestigaciónEnsayos clínicosNoticias de Mayo ClinicCostos & seguro médicoRemisiones ORG-20450058 Centros y departamentos médicos Medicina del dolor