Ensayos clínicos A continuación, se enumeran los ensayos clínicos actuales.45 estudios en Clínica de las mamas (solo estudios abiertos). Filtra esta lista de estudios por sede, estatus, etc. A Vaccine (H2NVAC) Before Surgery for the Treatment of HER2-Expressing Ductal Carcinoma In Situ Rochester, Minn., Jacksonville, Fla. This phase Ib trial studies the side effects and best dose of a vaccine called H2NVAC before surgery in treating patients with HER2 expressing ductal carcinoma in situ. H2NVAC is a vaccine designed to stimulate specialized white blood cells in hopes of increasing immune response and protecting against breast cancer. Probiotics Preventing Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Induced Colitis Jacksonville, Fla. This is a prospective, pilot, single arm study to evaluate the incidence of IIC in patients with solid malignancies receiving VSL#3 and ICIs. Given the fact that the effects of over-the-counter probiotics in reducing the risks of IIC remains largely unknown. Given that this is a small pilot study to generate preliminary data, there will be no randomization in this trial. The results of this trial will provide a foundation for the future development of larger definitive randomized controlled trials. Patients with solid malignancy who will be receiving ICI as per standard of care will be enrolled in this trial. Patients will receive VSL#3® 450B sachets probiotics, which will be provided as part of this trial, at least 3 days but preferably 1-2 weeks prior to starting on ICIs. Patients will be followed per standard of care during ICI treatment and continue VSL#3 for 12 more weeks while on ICI. Patients will complete dietary questionnaire and have research blood draws and stool collections at baseline prior to starting VSL#3 and 3 additional time points. Adherence to the probiotic schedule will be captured in a study diary. Adverse events as well as incidence and severity of IIC will be graded using NCI CTCAE version 5. Patients will have imaging performed per standard of care. Primary Goal To evaluate the incidence of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI)-induced colitis (IIC) in patients with solid malignancies receiving over-the-counter multi-strain probiotic blend and ICIs in both cohorts: (1) anti-CTLA-4 +/- anti-PD-1/PD-L1, and (2) anti-PD-1/PD-L1 +/- chemo. Secondary Goals To evaluate the safety of multi-strain probiotic blend in cancer patients receiving ICIs. To evaluate the clinical outcomes related to IIC, including the incidence of IIC, hospitalization, treatment delays, and administration of immunosuppressants. Exploratory Goals To evaluate changes in gut microbiome with ICIs and multi-strain probiotic blend. To evaluate changes in immune response with ICIs and multi-strain probiotic blend. A Study of Women undergoing Mammogram Screening at Mountain Park Clinic Rochester, Minn., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The goal of this research is to identify risk profiles of women (with particular emphasis on Hispanic women) for breast cancer based on family history, breast density and other factors known to impact risk such as age, weight, age at menarche, age at birth of first child, etc. A Study to Evaluate Immune-related Biomarkers for Pathological Response in Stage II-III HER2-positive Breast Cancer Rochester, Minn., Jacksonville, Fla., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The purpose of this study is to evaluate invasive disease-free survival (iDFS) of multi-epitope HER2 vaccine vs. placebo in combination with ado-trastuzumab emtansine (TTT-DM1) in patients with stage II-III HER2+ breast cancer with residual disease post-neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and to evaluate the safety of multi-epitope HER2 vaccine given concurrently with T-DM1 maintenance therapy. A Study to Evaluate Circulating Tumor DNA (ctDNA) and Immunophenotyping as Potential Biomarkers in Patients Undergoing Regional Nodal Irradiation for Breast Cancer Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to estimate the circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA)detection rate and mutational load in breast cancer patients with indications for regional nodal irradiation. MC1733, Phase I Trial of Intratumoral Administration of a Measles Virus Derivative Expressing the Helicobacter pylori Neutrophil-activating Protein (NAP) (MV-s-NAP) in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer Rochester, Minn. To determine the maximally tolerated dose (MTD) of intratumoral administration of an Edmonston strain measeles virus genetically engineered to express NAP (MV-s-NAP) in patients with metastatic breast cancer; to determine the safety and toxicity of on-time and serial administration of MV-s-NAP in patients with metastic breast cancer. A Registry for the Collection and Maintenance of Biological Specimens for Breast Cancer Research Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this registry is to collect and maintain samples of breast tissue from women and men undergoing surgery for a breast related concern at Mayo Clinic Rochester, to create a biospecimen resource for the study of benign and cancerous breast conditions. A Study to Establish a Living Breast Organoid Biobank for Translational Research Rochester, Minn., Jacksonville, Fla., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. Researchers at Mayo Clinic are developing a Biobank of adult stem cell-rich breast organoids, a new research resource to facilitate normal and cancer stem cell research. Subjects in the Biobank will provide samples of excess breast tissue, complete a health questionnaire, and allow access to medical records now and in the future. The Biobank serves as a library for researchers; instead of having to look for volunteers for each new project, researchers can use samples from the Biobank as well as share information already collected. A Study to Assess Pre-analytical Factors Affecting ctDNA Analysis in Early and Locally-advanced Breast Cancer Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of blood collection tube type and processing methods on ctDNA, evaluate the impact of long-term storage of plasma and extracted DNA, and evaluate ctDNA levels at baseline and during treatment for patients with Stage I-III breast cancer. 3D Ultrasound for the Imaging of Axillary Lymph Nodes in Patients With Breast Cancer Rochester, Minn. The overall goal of this project is to study a new 3D ultrasound imaging technology for evaluation of axillary lymph nodes in patients with breast cancer. Numeración de páginas Estudios clínicos AnteriorPágina anterior Ir a página 11 Ir a página 22 Ir a página 33 Ir a página 44 Ir a página 55 SiguientePróxima página A continuación, se enumeran los ensayos clínicos actuales.45 estudios en Clínica de las mamas (solo estudios abiertos). Filtra esta lista de estudios por sede, estatus, etc. A Vaccine (H2NVAC) Before Surgery for the Treatment of HER2-Expressing Ductal Carcinoma In Situ Rochester, Minn., Jacksonville, Fla. This phase Ib trial studies the side effects and best dose of a vaccine called H2NVAC before surgery in treating patients with HER2 expressing ductal carcinoma in situ. H2NVAC is a vaccine designed to stimulate specialized white blood cells in hopes of increasing immune response and protecting against breast cancer. Probiotics Preventing Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Induced Colitis Jacksonville, Fla. This is a prospective, pilot, single arm study to evaluate the incidence of IIC in patients with solid malignancies receiving VSL#3 and ICIs. Given the fact that the effects of over-the-counter probiotics in reducing the risks of IIC remains largely unknown. Given that this is a small pilot study to generate preliminary data, there will be no randomization in this trial. The results of this trial will provide a foundation for the future development of larger definitive randomized controlled trials. Patients with solid malignancy who will be receiving ICI as per standard of care will be enrolled in this trial. Patients will receive VSL#3® 450B sachets probiotics, which will be provided as part of this trial, at least 3 days but preferably 1-2 weeks prior to starting on ICIs. Patients will be followed per standard of care during ICI treatment and continue VSL#3 for 12 more weeks while on ICI. Patients will complete dietary questionnaire and have research blood draws and stool collections at baseline prior to starting VSL#3 and 3 additional time points. Adherence to the probiotic schedule will be captured in a study diary. Adverse events as well as incidence and severity of IIC will be graded using NCI CTCAE version 5. Patients will have imaging performed per standard of care. Primary Goal To evaluate the incidence of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI)-induced colitis (IIC) in patients with solid malignancies receiving over-the-counter multi-strain probiotic blend and ICIs in both cohorts: (1) anti-CTLA-4 +/- anti-PD-1/PD-L1, and (2) anti-PD-1/PD-L1 +/- chemo. Secondary Goals To evaluate the safety of multi-strain probiotic blend in cancer patients receiving ICIs. To evaluate the clinical outcomes related to IIC, including the incidence of IIC, hospitalization, treatment delays, and administration of immunosuppressants. Exploratory Goals To evaluate changes in gut microbiome with ICIs and multi-strain probiotic blend. To evaluate changes in immune response with ICIs and multi-strain probiotic blend. A Study of Women undergoing Mammogram Screening at Mountain Park Clinic Rochester, Minn., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The goal of this research is to identify risk profiles of women (with particular emphasis on Hispanic women) for breast cancer based on family history, breast density and other factors known to impact risk such as age, weight, age at menarche, age at birth of first child, etc. A Study to Evaluate Circulating Tumor DNA (ctDNA) and Immunophenotyping as Potential Biomarkers in Patients Undergoing Regional Nodal Irradiation for Breast Cancer Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to estimate the circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA)detection rate and mutational load in breast cancer patients with indications for regional nodal irradiation. A Study to Evaluate Immune-related Biomarkers for Pathological Response in Stage II-III HER2-positive Breast Cancer Rochester, Minn., Jacksonville, Fla., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The purpose of this study is to evaluate invasive disease-free survival (iDFS) of multi-epitope HER2 vaccine vs. placebo in combination with ado-trastuzumab emtansine (TTT-DM1) in patients with stage II-III HER2+ breast cancer with residual disease post-neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and to evaluate the safety of multi-epitope HER2 vaccine given concurrently with T-DM1 maintenance therapy. MC1733, Phase I Trial of Intratumoral Administration of a Measles Virus Derivative Expressing the Helicobacter pylori Neutrophil-activating Protein (NAP) (MV-s-NAP) in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer Rochester, Minn. To determine the maximally tolerated dose (MTD) of intratumoral administration of an Edmonston strain measeles virus genetically engineered to express NAP (MV-s-NAP) in patients with metastatic breast cancer; to determine the safety and toxicity of on-time and serial administration of MV-s-NAP in patients with metastic breast cancer. A Registry for the Collection and Maintenance of Biological Specimens for Breast Cancer Research Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this registry is to collect and maintain samples of breast tissue from women and men undergoing surgery for a breast related concern at Mayo Clinic Rochester, to create a biospecimen resource for the study of benign and cancerous breast conditions. A Study to Establish a Living Breast Organoid Biobank for Translational Research Rochester, Minn., Jacksonville, Fla., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. Researchers at Mayo Clinic are developing a Biobank of adult stem cell-rich breast organoids, a new research resource to facilitate normal and cancer stem cell research. Subjects in the Biobank will provide samples of excess breast tissue, complete a health questionnaire, and allow access to medical records now and in the future. The Biobank serves as a library for researchers; instead of having to look for volunteers for each new project, researchers can use samples from the Biobank as well as share information already collected. 3D Ultrasound for the Imaging of Axillary Lymph Nodes in Patients With Breast Cancer Rochester, Minn. The overall goal of this project is to study a new 3D ultrasound imaging technology for evaluation of axillary lymph nodes in patients with breast cancer. A Study to Assess Pre-analytical Factors Affecting ctDNA Analysis in Early and Locally-advanced Breast Cancer Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of blood collection tube type and processing methods on ctDNA, evaluate the impact of long-term storage of plasma and extracted DNA, and evaluate ctDNA levels at baseline and during treatment for patients with Stage I-III breast cancer. Numeración de páginas Estudios clínicos AnteriorPágina anterior Ir a página 11 Ir a página 22 Ir a página 33 Ir a página 44 Ir a página 55 SiguientePróxima página Solicite una consulta Pericia & clasificacionesInvestigación Oct. 31, 2024 Comparte en: FacebookTwitter Clínica de las mamasSeccionesSolicita una citaPanorama generalAnálisis y procedimientosEnfermedades que se tratanMédicosMédicos por sede y especialidadGrupos especializadosPericia & clasificacionesEnsayos clínicosInvestigaciónExperiencia en Mayo Clinic e historias de pacientesCostos & seguro médicoNoticias de Mayo ClinicRemisiones Investigación: los pacientes son la prioridad Mostrar la transcripción Para video Investigación: los pacientes son la prioridad [SUENA MÚSICA] Dr. Joseph Sirven, profesor de Neurología, Mayo Clinic: La misión de Mayo se centra en el paciente. La prioridad es el paciente. Aquí, la misión y la investigación se hacen para progresar en la forma de ayudar mejor al paciente y para asegurarnos de que el paciente sea la prioridad en la atención médica. De muchas maneras, esto equivale a un ciclo. Puede comenzar con algo tan simple como una idea que se desarrolla en un laboratorio, se traslada a la atención directa del paciente y, si todo sale bien y resulta útil o beneficioso, pasa a ser el método estándar. Creo que una de las características tan singulares de la forma de investigar en Mayo es la concentración en el paciente, y es lo que realmente le ayuda a captar la atención de todos. SeccionesSolicita una citaPanorama generalAnálisis y procedimientosEnfermedades que se tratanMédicosMédicos por sede y especialidadGrupos especializadosPericia & clasificacionesEnsayos clínicosInvestigaciónExperiencia en Mayo Clinic e historias de pacientesCostos & seguro médicoNoticias de Mayo ClinicRemisiones ORG-20459452 Centros y departamentos médicos Clínica de las mamas