Busca un médico

Michael S. Meyers, M.D.

  1. Cardiologist
  2. Echocardiographer

Grupos especializados


  1. Rochester, Minnesota



Michael S. Meyers, M.D., is a general adult cardiologist with a special interest in echocardiography.

His clinical focus includes:

  • Valvular heart diseases, such as aortic stenosis and mitral regurgitation
  • Adults with congenital heart diseases
  • Coronary artery disease and its risk factors, including hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes and tobacco use
  • Cardiomyopathies and heart failure

In addition to his clinical activities, Dr. Meyers is the director of the Mayo Clinic Health System-La Crosse echocardiography lab and is active in the cardiac catheterization lab, performing diagnostic coronary angiograms and hemodynamic catheterizations.

  1. 1997
    ResidentCardiovascular Disease, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  2. 1997
    Fellow - Cardiovascular MedicineMayo Graduate School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  3. 1994
    ResidentInternal Medicine, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  4. 1994
    Resident - Internal MedicineMayo Graduate School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  5. 1991
    MDMedical College of Wisconsin
    BS - Molecular Biology and ZoologyUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison


  1. 2021
    Adult EchocardiographyNational Board of Echocardiography
  2. 2019
    Adult Comp EchocardiographyNational Board of Echocardiography
  3. 2014
    Adult Transthoracic Plus Stress EchocardiographyNational Board of Echocardiography
  4. 1997
    Cardiovascular DiseasesAmerican Board of Internal Medicine

Awards and honors

  1. 1991
    Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor SocietyMedical College of Wisconsin
    Phi Beta Kappa Honor SocietyUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison

Professional memberships

    MemberAmerican Medical Association
    MemberMinnesota Medical Association
    MemberAmerican College of Cardiology
