Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Mayo Clinic need philanthropic support?
Philanthropy is a vital source of funding for our mission of excellence in patient care, research and education.

In research, for example, philanthropy helps promising young scientists launch their careers. It also helps established scientists pursue innovative areas of study. With a foundation of philanthropic support, our researchers go on to compete successfully for grants from the National Institutes of Health and other sources.

In education, tuition covers only a portion of total costs. One of our goals is to help limit student debt load. Philanthropic support for scholarships and other aspects of education enables us to recruit the "best and brightest" — and enables our graduates to practice in areas where their skills are most needed.

Philanthropy also supports facilities that are technically advanced yet warm and welcoming for patients, visitors and staff. Philanthropy touches all aspects of our mission and every campus in the Mayo Clinic system.

How are philanthropic funds allocated?
Standing committees, chaired by senior physicians and senior administrators on our staff, allocate philanthropic funds according to priorities and budgets that are determined to meet the Mayo Clinic mission.

May I specify how I want Mayo to use my gift?
Of course. You may specify your gift designation when making a gift online or by using the printable Donation Form. You also may consult the Department of Development to help determine the best "match" between your charitable and financial goals and Mayo's needs. Send us an email or call 507-284-8540.

May I give anonymously?
Yes. We honor requests for anonymity. Please state your wishes in writing and/or contact a Development officer.

What are Mayo's financial goals?
We are a not-for-profit organization dedicated to excellence in patient care, research and education. Our goal as an organization is not to accumulate wealth for its own sake, but rather to meet our current and expected obligations as we serve patients and advance medical science today and in the future. Read more about Mayo's financial goals.

What makes Mayo a good investment for my gift?
Mayo Clinic is a sound investment for your gift for two main reasons — system and spirit.

As a system, we are well managed. Our centralized budgeting process helps us plan expenditures for priorities over multi year periods.

As an organization, Mayo is mission-driven. Our three Mayo Clinic locations, while geographically widespread, make up a single organization whose long-standing values reflect our commitment to provide the best care to every patient, every day through integrated clinical practice, medical education and research.

Will my gift really make a difference?
Mayo is not able to fund buildings and wide-ranging programs in medical education and research on our own. Mayo scientists compete successfully for research grants from the National Institutes of Health and other organizations, but this support is limited.

At the same time, the opportunities for medical discovery have never been greater. For example, molecular research is revealing new information about a wide range of illnesses — pointing the way to new methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention. To make the most of these opportunities, Mayo depends on support from patients and friends who share our dedication to medical progress.

Is Mayo a not-for-profit organization?
Yes. Mayo Clinic is a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. We are eligible to receive matching gifts from corporations and organizations that support educational activities.

Who governs Mayo?
Mayo is a consensus-based organization. Our committee system, which has evolved since the 1920s, oversees a wide range of activities related to medical care, education and research. Physicians lead most of our committees and departments, ensuring a continued focus on our primary commitment: to provide the best care to every patient, every day.

Each Mayo Clinic location has an Executive Board to oversee operations related to the campuses in Rochester, Minn., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz., and Jacksonville, Fla. The Mayo Clinic Board of Governors provides leadership for the organization as a whole.

The Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees includes physician and administrative leaders from within Mayo. The board also includes public members who represent a range of expertise in government, academia, business and the media.

How does Mayo fund new facilities, medical research and medical education?
Mayo has five sources of funds:

  • Clinical practice — the care of patients at each Mayo Clinic location

  • Extramural grants — support from the National Institutes of Health and other organizations

  • Investment returns

  • Diversified activities — including the sale of Mayo-created health information and the licensing of technology developed at Mayo

  • Philanthropy — contributions from patients, friends, staff, alumni and philanthropic organizations

What is the role of planned giving at Mayo?
Planned giving is an important tool to consider for meeting your personal and philanthropic goals.

There are three basic types of planned gifts:

  • Will bequest

  • Charitable gift annuity

  • Charitable trust

Each type of gift can be tailored to your individual situation.

Planned gifts can help:

  • Support the mission of Mayo

  • Provide income for you and your loved ones

  • Reduce income and estate taxes

Development officers at Mayo have expertise in a range of charitable gift options. Our staff will work closely with you, your loved ones and your advisors to create the most appropriate plan. By making a planned gift to support Mayo Clinic, you are eligible to join The Mayo Legacy.

How do I include Mayo Clinic in my will?
In making a bequest to Mayo Clinic, many benefactors specify a certain amount to be given. Alternatively, you may choose to give a percentage of your estate after other obligations are met.

Please consult your legal, financial and other representatives when making a will. Mayo will be pleased to work with you and your advisers in this process.

Does Mayo accept charitable gift annuities
Charitable gift annuities can be established at Mayo Clinic through a gift of cash or securities when market value is $10,000 or more.

Does Mayo manage charitable trusts?
We provide hands-on expertise in managing charitable trusts. At Mayo Clinic, charitable trusts can be established with gifts that have a market value of $100,000 or more. We manage trusts with a customized approach that balances the needs of the income beneficiary and Mayo Clinic.

Mayo does not charge for its services as trustee. Each trust is charged Mayo's out-of-pocket expenses for outside services such as investment management, administration, appraisals and legal or accounting work.