Below are current clinical trials.
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Rochester, Minn.
The primary purpose of this study is to generate pediatric-specific reference ranges that take into account patient sex, age, corrected gestational age, ethnicity, etc., and laboratory variables for various coagulation studies.
The purpose of this study is to establish the clearance rate of sPD-L1 in patients undergoing plasma exchange, and to establish the kinetics of sPD-L1 regeneration in vivo.
The goal of this study is to collect adipose tissue from healthy and disease patients to understand the biology and potential therapeutic use of mesenchymal stem cells. Adipose collection occurs under local anesthesia with an abdominal biopsy that collects about two grams of fat. The fat is used to isolate and grow mesenchymal stem cells. These function of these cells will be tested for their therapeutic potential.
The purpose of this study is to determine the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of molecular detection of microorganisms, detection of microbial proteins and antibodies against microorganisms, and inflammatory markers (e.g., leukocyte esterase, CRP) in synovial fluid for the diagnosis of prosthetic joint infection (PJI).
This research study is being done to help characterize cardiovascular disease and improve diagnostic tests.
To understand the pathogenesis, molecular mechanisms, and disease progression of heritable cardiovascular disease
To evaluate the incidence of occult heritable cardiovascular disease in various populations.
To correlate imaging and pathological phenotype with genotype to the ends described above.
The purpose of this study is to help identify the biology of heart tumors and understand how and why they form.
The purpose of this study is to obtain excess non-malignant submandibular salivary tissues and clinical data from patients undergoing head & neck surgery, and conduct research activities at Mayo Clinic.
The purposes of this study are to determine if patients treated with fluoroquinolone (FQ) antibiotics have depletion of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in buccal swab samples, and whether the degree of depletion correlates with the likelihood of developing FQ-associated toxicity.
2nd arm - An additional group of patients will be enrolled if they previously received FQ antibiotics. appear to be symptomatic and have a previously collected muscle or nerve biopsy for clinical purposes available for this research study.
Rochester, Minn., Jacksonville, Fla., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz.
Researchers at Mayo Clinic are developing a Biobank of adult stem cell-rich breast organoids, a new research resource to facilitate normal and cancer stem cell research. Subjects in the Biobank will provide samples of excess breast tissue, complete a health questionnaire, and allow access to medical records now and in the future. The Biobank serves as a library for researchers; instead of having to look for volunteers for each new project, researchers can use samples from the Biobank as well as share information already collected.
Jacksonville, Fla.
The purpose of this registry is to collect human biospecimens for the support of new clinical protocol development and produce clinical grade cells and tissue for future clinical trials.
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