The Mayo Clinic experience and patient stories

Our patients tell us that the quality of their interactions, our attention to detail and the efficiency of their visits mean health care like they've never experienced. See the stories of satisfied Mayo Clinic patients.

  1. Leslye-and-Husband_16x9.jpg

    Professional broadcaster gets her voice back

    Leslye Gale and her husband Broadcaster Leslye Gale experienced gradual voice loss but was determined to tough it out on the air. Finally, in February 2024, her vocal folds had grown so weak that she had no voice at all. Given that her job as an announcer for a radio station in Orlando keeps her on air for five hours each morning, this setback was more than a minor inconvenience — it also had the potential…

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    Returning to sports after an acoustic neuroma

    Tyler, Kaitlyn and Bryce Theobald Tyler Theobald was playing basketball when the dizziness started. Some might argue that lightheadedness during exercise comes from overexertion, but Tyler knew something was wrong when the room kept spinning, even while he stood still. His wife later took him to the emergency department near their home in Searcy, Arkansas, where he was given medication for vertigo and sent home. When his symptoms weren't improving, he saw a primary care…

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    Father of five on life after cancer: 'Everything feels so good and rich and valuable'

    Gary McCracken rests on a fallen tree In the fall of 2020, Gary McCracken noticed a swollen lymph node near the upper left side of his neck. He initially didn't think much of it.   "I grew a beard for deer season and forgot all about it," he says with a chuckle. After Thanksgiving, when Gary shaved his beard, the gland was still swollen. "There's a video of me playing guitar at church, and it…

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    "Given a shot" to beat an aggressive cancer

    Near the end of 2021, Lisa Hocking developed symptoms of head congestion, sinus pressure and headaches. After taking antibiotics for what was thought to be sinusitis didn't ease her symptoms, she underwent a CT. The CT revealed a mass that extended from her sinuses through the base of her skull adjacent to her brain.  With the revelation of this complex diagnosis, Lisa realized that she needed an advanced care center to guide her. After witnessing…

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    Mold reshapes baby Adelyn's 'different' ear

    Parents usually gush over a newborn's cute little fingers, toes, nose and ears as they get to know their baby. Lindsey and Michael were no exception when they welcomed their daughter, Adelyn, in March. The couple, along with big sister, McKenzie, were thrilled with her arrival and admired her personality and features. "She is a very laid back, sweet baby, and she looks like mom," says Lindsey proudly. While in the hospital, the St. Michael,…

July 09, 2024