Expanding donor pool with haploidentical transplant

Mayo Clinic's research into haploidentical (hap-loh-i-DEN-tih-kul) transplant has made it possible for more people to undergo this life-saving treatment. Haploidentical transplant allows the use of stem cells from donors who aren't perfect matches. One of the benefits of this type of transplant is its potential to expand the pool of donors. Most people have a parent, sibling or child who could potentially serve as a half (haplo) donor.

Mayo Clinic doctors are bringing this treatment to clinical practice. They examine how to improve the immune system's recovery and function for people whose stem cell donors aren't perfect matches. Success in this work has led to greatly expanding access to transplant, as haploidentical transplant becomes a treatment option for select patients.

Other benefits of haploidentical transplant may include:

  • Rapidly available donor, limiting the time between deciding to proceed with transplant and undergoing the transplant
  • Reducing the risk of a serious complication called graft-versus-host disease
  • Preventing relapses of the condition
  • Preventing infections and other complications

Mayo researchers continue to do research into other uses for haploidentical bone marrow transplant.

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Feb. 07, 2025