10 (surprising) tips for a healthy back

Making sure you have a healthy back isn't only about exercising and lifting properly. In fact, some of the best advice for maintaining a healthy back may surprise you.

Consider these tips:

  • If you smoke, stop. Smoking reduces blood flow to the disks that cushion your vertebrae, interferes with healing and damages overall health.
  • Manage your stress. Release tension in your body by practicing relaxation techniques. Close your eyes and focus on deep breathing, or tense then relax various muscle groups.
  • Eat a healthy diet. Aim for foods that are low in saturated fat and cholesterol, and eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables and whole grains to help you maintain a healthy weight.
  • Take steps to prevent osteoporosis. Talk to your doctor about your calcium and vitamin D intake. And ask about osteoporosis-preventing exercises, medications and bone density testing.
  • Avoid falls. Wear stable, low-heeled shoes. Use handrails when walking up and down stairs. And avoid needless hurry.
  • Get your heart pumping. Build up to at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise all or most days of the week to help maintain a healthy weight.
  • Avoid carrying things on one side of your body. If you do, periodically shift from side to side.
  • Change your position. Whether cleaning or doing yardwork, get on your hands and knees rather than bending over.
  • Take your time. Be cautious with high-risk moves, like twisting and quick stops and starts.
  • Make a plan before you lift or move a heavy object. Decide where you'll place it and how to get it there. Use casters or a dolly when possible.
  1. Special Report — Staying active with back pain: From simple steps to advanced care. Mayo Clinic Health Letter. Mayo Clinic. November 2019.