Mayo Clinic Complex Care Program: Realize the value of high-quality care

If your employees or members of your medical plan are experiencing fragmented care, ineffective treatments, potential misdiagnoses or difficulty accessing specialized care for complex conditions, Mayo Clinic can help.

At our campuses in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota, teams of the world’s leading experts from every medical specialty and subspecialty work together to ensure the best possible outcome for each patient.

The Mayo Clinic Complex Care Program offers managed access (expedited scheduling and condensed appointment itineraries) to Mayo Clinic’s high-quality, cost-effective care for individuals with complex, rare or undiagnosed medical conditions. In other words, Mayo Clinic helps minimize costs while getting patients exactly the care they need.

Here I am a young 33 year old guy. I run, I play sports, I eat healthy.

We're excited. We have a baby on the way. We're getting the nursery ready. Our families are excited.

I had acute appendicitis and needed to get my appendix out, and I think everything's fine. I think I'm on the path to be unhealthy and I would be just going back to my normal life.

We're ready to move on and move forward. And it turns out that they had found a tumor and it was cancer. I lost my father to cancer, about 12 years ago. So, that word cancer is really scary.

This is a situation where the stakes are high. This is not what color is the dress are going to be in baby's room. So I reach out to Mayo Clinic and from there the process was really easy.

We're going to fly to Mayo Clinic and we're going to get some answers.

Ryan was a patient that I met in concert with Tim Hobday, M.D., one of our medical oncologists. He has a very rare tumor called an appendiceal neuroendocrine tumor.

Like what is a neuroendocrine tumor? How common is this? And, and where could it have spread?

It's a specific cell in the GI track which becomes abnormal. There are a few subsets that can be very aggressive and of course that's the one that we really worry about. He starting a young family, so again, there's a lot of considerations that he had to take into account. So both Tim and I laid that out for him and then collectively we made a good choice, a reasonable decision for colectomy. We use robotics for Ryan. The benefits to the patient are improved pain control, improved length of stay, improved GI recovery.

Having a plan, knowing that we're going to be getting the best care possible gave us tremendous amount of peace of mind.

The outcome is perfect. That is what we hope for every patient. Again, his likelihood of recurrence is really quite small.

It feels like we have gone through a lot to get here now, but now it feels like we can we can move forward and put this behind us.

My family's been wonderful, folks at Mayo were wonderful and I'm just a lucky guy.

Top-ranked in the U.S. — and the world

Mayo Clinic is top-ranked in more specialties than any other hospital and has been recognized as an Honor Roll member according to U.S. News & World Report's 2024-2025 "Best Hospitals" rankings. Newsweek ranked Mayo Clinic as the #1 hospital in the world. More than 1 million people choose Mayo Clinic each year.

Why Choose Mayo Clinic?

Accurate diagnoses

Getting the right diagnosis and treatment plan provides better patient outcomes, but it also creates significant long-term cost savings by avoiding ineffective treatments and wandering care.

Cost avoidance

Mayo Clinic’s salaried physicians are not incentivized to provide any treatment or procedure that is not in the best interest of the patient. This enables care teams to spend more time listening to patients’ concerns, identifying the best treatment plan, and avoiding unnecessary tests and procedures.

Seamless Care

At Mayo Clinic, every aspect of care is coordinated and teams of experts work together. What might take months elsewhere is often done in days at Mayo Clinic – thereby reducing time away from work.

Unparalleled Expertise

To date, 89% of patients in the Mayo Clinic Complex Care Program rated their likelihood to recommend Mayo Clinic as “very good.” The remaining 11% rated the likelihood as “good.”

Mayo Clinic Complex Care Program

If your organization would like information about the program, travel and lodging coordination, case studies, patient stories, and more, email Mayo Clinic at

If you are an individual requesting an appointment, please visit our appointments page.