"Check Symptoms" Sourcing

The Mayo Clinic team of medical reviewers, subject matter experts and other content contributors collaborate to ensure accurate, relevant and actionable information to provide patients with access to the knowledge, experiences and services of Mayo Clinic.

"Check Symptoms" content is developed using best-available source materials. Materials vary by symptom topic and may include Mayo Clinic-vetted knowledge, evidence-based guidelines, published medical literature, or a Mayo Clinic physician or scientist who has distinct interest, training and expertise in the topic.

A team of board-certified Mayo Clinic physicians and other Mayo Clinic subject matter experts reviews all new and updated content for medical accuracy. Medical reviewers make final judgments on issues of medical accuracy.

Sources include:

Mayo Clinic:

  • AskMayoExpert — Mayo Clinic-vetted knowledge for providers at the point of care
  • Mayo Clinic image databases
  • Mayo Clinic Office of Patient Education
  • MayoClinic.org
  • Mayo Clinic primary care nursing protocols

National Clinical Practice Guidelines in specialties and primary care, such as from the:
