Blood Donor ProgramDonate blood. Save lives.

Mayo Clinic depends on blood donors. You can help meet the needs of people in health crises. Donated blood helps meet many medical needs — including saving the life of a premature baby, restoring the strength of a cancer patient and providing a critical transfusion to someone who has been in an accident. There is no substitute for human blood — all transfusions use blood from a donor.
Many people become regular donors as a way of giving back. Others make a one-time donation in honor of a loved one who was healed at Mayo Clinic. In whatever way you give, you'll have the gratitude of the people receiving your life-saving blood donation.
The gift of life
The Mayo Clinic Blood Donor Program benefits from anyone who is willing to donate — once or on a regular basis.
What happens to donated blood?
Donated blood is separated into red blood cells, platelets and plasma and safely stored until it's needed for a medical procedure.