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Phillip M. Young, M.D.

  1. Radiologist


Specialty Groups


  1. Rochester, Minnesota


  1. 2009
    Fellow - Magnetic Resonance ImagingStanford University
  2. 2008
    ResidentDiagnostic Radiology, Programs in Florida, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  3. 2008
    Resident - Diagnostic RadiologyMayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  4. 2004
    Internship - Internal MedicineDepartment of Internal Medicine/Metrohealth Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
  5. 2003
    MD - Honors in RadiologyCase Western Reserve University School of Medicine
  6. 1999
    BS - Biomechanical Engineering with Honors in HumanitiesStanford University


  1. 2008
    Diagnostic RadiologyAmerican Board of Radiology

Awards and honors

  1. 2023
    Certificate of Merit: Review of CT Angiographic findings in patients with circulatory assist devices. Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, Illinois. December 2023. Radiological Society of North America
  2. 2023
    Certificate of Merit: Woodworth C., Yee R., Young P., Araoz P, Collins J. Coronary artery vasculitis, encasement, and mimics. Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, Illinois, December 2023. Radiological Society of North America
  3. 2016
    Best PosterNorth American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging
  4. 2014
    Certificate of MeritRadiological Society of North America
  5. 2013
    Honorable Mention PosterNorth American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging
  6. 2013
    Honorable Mention PosterNorth American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging
  7. 2012
    1st Place - MRI PosterNorth American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting
  8. 2012
    Certificate of MeritRadiological Society of North America
  9. 2012
    Certificate of MeritRSNA 2012
  10. 2012
    Summa Cum Laude Award for Scientific PosterInternational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
  11. 2012
    Best Scientific Poster - Adult Cardiac CategorySociety of Thoracic Surgeons
  12. 2011
    Recognized in top 25% of Teachers in the Department of RadiologyMayo Clinic Rochester Radiology Residents
  13. 2011
    RSNA Certificate of MeritRadiological Society of North America Annual Meeting
  14. 2011
    Best Poster AwardACP - Minnesota Chapter, American College of Physicians
  15. 2010
    Recognized in top 25% of Teachers in the Department of RadiologyMayo Clinic Rochester Radiology Residents
  16. 2010
    Young Investigator AwardNASCI AHA CVRI
  17. 2009
    3rd Place, PhD Level Poster CompetitionASME Bioengineering Conference
  18. 2007
    1st Place, Resident and Fellow Poster CompetitionFlorida Radiological Society 2007 Annual Meeting
  19. 2007
    Baker Foundation Radiology Research Award presented for the best publication by a Radiology resident at MCJMayo Clinic in Florida
  20. 2006
    Roentgen Award for Resident/Fellow Research in RadiologyRadiological Society of North America
  21. 2006
    2nd Place, Resident and Fellow Poster CompetitionFlorida Radiological Society 2006 Annual Meeting
  22. 2006
    Best Scientific Exhibit Award, General Spine CategoryAmerican Society of Spine Radiology 2006 Annual Meeting
  23. 2005
    AUR/RSNA/ARRS Introduction to Research ProgramAmerican Roentgen Ray Society
  24. 2005
    Certificate of Merit "Imaging of Spine Surgery Complications"Radiological Society of North America
  25. 2003
    Martin I. Perlmutter AwardCase Western Reserve University School of Medicine
  26. 1998
    Whitaker Foundation Travel Award1998 Whitaker Foundation Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Symposium
  27. 1997
    Stanford University Fairclough Book Prize for Excellence in Coursework, Department of ClassicsStanford University

Professional memberships

  1. 2022 - 2023
    PresidentNorth American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging
  2. 2018 - present
    SecretaryNorth American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging
  3. 2017 - present
    Committee MemberAmerican College of Radiology, Committee on Practice Parameters – Cardiovascular Body Imaging
  4. 2015 - 2018
    ChairResearch Committee, North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging
  5. 2015 - 2018
    MemberResearch Committee, North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging
  6. 2014 - present
    MemberSociety of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT)
  7. 2013 - present
    ChairDivision of Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Department of Radiology
  8. 2012 - present
    MemberThesis Committee, Department of Radiology
  9. 2011 - 2016
    ChairMembership Committee, North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging
  10. 2011
    MemberFellowship Sub-Committee, Membership Committee, North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging
  11. 2010 - present
    Mayo Clinic Alumni Association, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Department of Education Administration
  12. 2010 - present
    Carmen Society, Mayo Clinic Alumni Association, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science
  13. 2010 - present
    MemberAmerican College of Radiology
  14. 2010 - present
    MemberAmerican Heart Association
  15. 2010 - present
    MemberMinnesota Radiological Society
  16. 2010 - present
    MemberMinnesota Medical Association
  17. 2010 - present
    MemberOlmsted County Medical Society
  18. 2009 - 2012
    ParticipantTomographic Imaging Council, Society of Atherosclerosis Imaging and Prevention
  19. 2009 - 2012
    MemberSociety of Atherosclerosis Imaging and Prevention
  20. 2009 - 2012
    MemberTomographic Imaging Council, Society of Atherosclerosis Imaging and Prevention
  21. 2009 - 2011
    Co-ChairMembership Committee, North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging
  22. 2009 - 2011
    MemberCommunication Committee, North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging
  23. 2009 - present
    MemberMR Safety Committee, Department of Radiology
  24. 2009 - present
    MemberAbdominal MR Protocol Committee, Department of Radiology
  25. 2009 - present
    MemberDivision of Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Department of Radiology
  26. 2009 - present
    FellowNorth American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging
  27. 2008 - present
    MemberInternational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
  28. 2006 - present
    MemberAmerican Roentgen Ray Society
  29. 2005 - 2008
    MemberEquipment Committee, Department of Radiology
  30. 2005 - 2008
    Department RepresentativeFlorida Radiological Society
  31. 2005 - 2008
    MemberResidents and Fellows Section, Florida Radiological Society
  32. 2004 - present
    MemberRadiological Society of North America
  33. 2000 - 2001
    Class RepresentativeCommittee for Students, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
