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Mark J. Truty, M.D., M.S.

  1. Hepatobiliary and Pancreas Surgeon
  2. Surgical Oncologist
  3. Chair, Hepatobiliary and Pancreas Surgery in Rochester

Dr. Truty is a cancer surgeon with extensive training and experience in the management of Pancreatic, Liver, Biliary, Gastric, Small Bowel/Carcinoid, and Sarcoma Tumors.

He is specifically sought out given his novel approaches to preoperative treatment of these tumors in order to improve outcomes after surgery as well as his willingness and technical skillset to offer curative intent operations for patients with more advanced tumors that other surgeons have deemed inoperable due to tumor involvement of critical blood vessels.

  1. Ampullary cancer
  2. Appendix cancer
  3. Bile duct cyst
  4. Bile duct injury
  5. Bile duct stone
  6. Bile duct stricture
  7. Biliary obstruction
  8. Carcinoid tumor
  9. Cholangiocarcinoma
  10. Duodenal cancer
  11. Enlarged spleen
  12. Gallbladder cancer
  13. Gallbladder polyp
  14. Gastrointestinal stromal tumor
  15. Hepatocellular carcinoma
  16. Hilar cholangiocarcinoma
  17. Immune thrombocytopenia
  18. IPMN
  19. Liver cancer
  20. Liver cyst
  21. Liver hemangioma
  22. Liver tumor
  23. Pancreatic cancer
  24. Pancreatic cyst
  25. Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor
  26. Pancreatitis
  27. Peritoneal cancer
  28. Polycystic liver disease
  29. Recurrent cancer
  30. Retroperitoneal sarcoma
  31. Sarcoma
  32. Small bowel cancer
  33. Soft tissue sarcoma
  34. Stage 4 colorectal cancer
  35. Stomach cancer
  1. Bile duct resection
  2. Bile duct stone removal
  3. Cancer treatment
  4. Cholecystectomy
  5. Cryoablation for cancer
  6. Gastrectomy
  7. Hepatobiliary disease evaluation
  8. Hepatobiliary disease postoperative care
  9. Irreversible electroporation
  10. Laparoscopic surgery
  11. Liver cyst fenestration
  12. Liver cyst removal
  13. Liver resection
  14. Liver tumor ablation
  15. Microwave ablation for cancer
  16. Minimally invasive intestinal surgery
  17. Minimally invasive liver surgery
  18. Minimally invasive pancreas surgery
  19. Minimally invasive surgery
  20. Pancreatectomy
  21. Pancreatic enucleation
  22. Paracentesis
  23. Portal hypertension management
  24. Radiofrequency ablation for cancer
  25. Small bowel resection
  26. Soft tissue sarcoma surgery
  27. Soft tissue tumor ablation
  28. Splenectomy
  29. Whipple procedure
  • Multidisciplinary surgical management of complex and/or advanced pancreatic, liver, bile duct, gallbladder, carcinoid, gastric and intestinal tumors and sarcomas
  • Benign and malignant disease of liver, biliary tree, gallbladder and pancreas
  • Neuroendocrine tumors
  • Portal hypertension
  • Polycystic liver disease
  1. 2022
    Certificate - Tableau Data VisualizationsCenter for Advanced Computing, Cornell University
  2. 2021
    Certificate - The Business of Healthcare Specialization CertificateWharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania
  3. 2012
    Chief FellowUniversity of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
  4. 2012
    Postdoctoral Research Fellowship - Patient-Based Biological Research ProgramUniversity of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
  5. 2012
    Fellow - Advanced Surgical OncologyUniversity of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
  6. 2009
    Chief Resident - General SurgerySurgery, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  7. 2009
    Internship and Junior ResidencySurgery, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  8. 2009
    ResidentSurgery, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  9. 2009
    Senior ResidentSurgery, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  10. 2006
    Clinical InvestigatorClinician Investigator, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  11. 2006
    Postdoctoral Research FellowshipGastroenterology Research Unit, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine
  12. 2006
    ResidentClinician Investigator, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  13. 2004
    ResidentSurgery, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  14. 2002
    Master of Science - PathologyChicago Medical School
  15. 2002
    Doctorate of Medicine - MedicineChicago Medical School
  16. 1998
    Master of Science - PhysiologyChicago Medical School
  17. 1996
    Bachelor - Biological SciencesUniversity of Chicago


  1. 2010
    General SurgeryAmerican Board of Surgery

Awards and honors

  1. 2023
    2023 PanCAN Research AwardPancreas Club
  2. 2023
    2023 PanCAN Research AwardPancreas Club
  3. 2022
    Best Poster of IHPBAIHPBA
  4. 2021
    Best of AJR Award American Journal of Radiology
  5. 2019
    J. Bradley Aust AwardWestern Surgical Association
  6. 2018
    Most Outstanding Faculty Teacher of the YearGeneral Surgery, Department of Surgery
  7. 2014
    Teacher of the Year - Surgical SubspecialtiesMayo Fellows Association, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  8. 2013
    Most Outstanding Faculty Teacher of the YearGeneral Surgery, Department of Surgery
  9. 2013
    Most Outstanding Faculty Teacher of the YearMayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Department of Education Administration
  10. 2013
    Best in Category (Liver)International Anesthesia Research Society
  11. 2012
    Poster of DistinctionPancreas Club
  12. 2012
    Poster of DistinctionPancreas Club
  13. 2011
    Best Oral Presentation of Clinical or Basic Science in Pancreatic CancerPancreas Cancer Action Network, Pancreas Club
  14. 2010
    Mayo Foundation ScholarMayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Department of Education Administration
  15. 2010
    Paul Calabresi Clinician Investigator ScholarMayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Department of Education Administration
  16. 2009
    Most Outstanding Chief Resident Teacher of the YearGeneral Surgery, Department of Surgery
  17. 2009
    Donald C. Balfour Most Outstanding Research AwardMayo Clinic Alumni Association, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Department of Education Administration
  18. 2008
    Leadership Award ScholarshipResident and Associate Society, American College of Surgeons
  19. 2008
    Most Outstanding Clinical and Technical Surgical ResidentHoward K. Gray Travel Award
  20. 2007
    Travel Scholarship AwardNational Pancreas Foundation
  21. 2007
    Best Oral Presentation by a New Member of the AAS.Academic Surgical Congress
  22. 2007
    American College of Surgeons - Surgical Jeopardy FinalistAcademic Surgical Congress
  23. 2006
    Hungry Dog Award - Department of SurgeryGeneral Surgery Residency Program, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education
  24. 2006
    Best Resident Research Presentation Inlow AwardPriestley Society, Mayo Clinic Rochester Societies
  25. 2006
    Most Outstanding Basic Science Research AwardMinnesota Surgical Society
  26. 2006
    Most Outstanding Surgical Research AwardBalfour Research Symposium
  27. 2006
    Travel Scholarship AwardAmerican Pancreatic Association/International Association of Pancreatology
  28. 2005
    Outstanding Young Investigator Research AwardHartz Foundation
  29. 2004
    Outstanding Medical Student EducatorMayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Department of Education Administration
  30. 2003
    Most Outstanding Junior Resident - Silver Retractor AwardMayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Department of Education Administration
  31. 2003
    Most Outstanding Clinical Research AwardMinnesota Surgical Society
  32. 2003
    Resident Travel ScholarshipAmerican College of Surgeons
  33. 2002
    Alpha Omega AlphaChicago Medical School
  34. 2002
    Board of Trustees Academic Scholarship AwardChicago Medical School
  35. 2002
    Mayo Clinic Frankel Academic ScholarshipMayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Department of Education Administration
  36. 1999
    Top 10% Academic PerformanceChicago Medical School

Professional memberships

  1. 2023 - present
    2nd Vice PresidentWestern Surgical Association
  2. 2023 - present
    Medical EditorDivision of Health Education and Content Services
  3. 2022 - present
    Committee MemberMayo Clinic Rochester, Clinical Practice Committee, OmniView Clinical Selection Committee
  4. 2022 - present
    HPB DG Executive CommitteeMayo Clinic Cancer Center
  5. 2022 - present
    HPB DG Executive CommitteeMayo Clinic Cancer Center
  6. 2022 - present
    Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Guidelines Committee MemberNational Cancer Center Network
  7. 2021 - present
    ChairHPB Tumor Board
  8. 2021 - present
    MemberNational Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Panel
  9. 2021 - present
    ChairPancreas eTumor Board
  10. 2021 - present
    Medical DirectorClinical Practice Committee
  11. 2019 - present
    Co-ChairPancreas/Neuroendocrine 3-site Disease/Discipline Oriented Groups (DOGs)
  12. 2018 - present
    Program Committee MemberAmericas Hepatobiliary Association (AHPBA)
  13. 2018 - present
    Program CommitteeAmericas Hepatobiliary Association (AHPBA)
  14. 2017 - present
    MemberConnective Tissue Oncology Society
  15. 2017 - present
    Executive Committee MemberEsophageal/Gastric 3-site Disease/Discipline Oriented Groups (DOGs)
  16. 2017 - 2019
    Executive Committee MemberPancreas/Neuroendocrine 3-Site Disease/Discipline Oriented Groups (DOGs)
  17. 2017 - 2019
    Co-ChairSarcoma Disease/Discipline Oriented Groups (DOGs)
  18. 2016 - present
    MemberAmerican Gastroenterological Association (AGA)
  19. 2015 - 2017
    Program CommitteePancreas Club
  20. 2015 - 2017
    ChairMayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine Pancreatic Cancer Discovery Team
  21. 2015 - present
    MemberPriestley Society
  22. 2014 - 2016
    Program Committee RepresentativePancreas Club
  23. 2014 - present
    MemberMayo Clinic Cancer Center
  24. 2014 - present
    MemberAmerican College of Surgeons
  25. 2013 - 2020
    Medical Director - Francis 1C/2CClinical Practice Committee, Saint Marys Hospital
  26. 2013 - present
    Surgical RepresentativeEquipment Subcommittee, Clinical Practice Committee - Rochester
  27. 2013 - present
    Committee MemberHome Enteral Nutrition Steering Committee
  28. 2012 - present
    Surgical RepresentativeMayo Clinic SPORE in Pancreatic Cancer, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center
  29. 2010
    CandidateAmerican Radium Society
  30. 2010 - present
    MemberUniversity of Chicago Alumni Association, University of Chicago
  31. 2009 - present
    MemberSociety of Surgical Oncology
  32. 2009 - present
    MemberAmerican Society of Clinical Oncology
  33. 2006 - 2007
    Past PresidentMayo Fellows Association, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science
  34. 2006 - present
    MemberAmerican Association for Cancer Research
  35. 2006 - present
    MemberAmerican Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association
  36. 2006 - present
    MemberSociety of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons
  37. 2005 - 2010
    MemberAmerican Pancreatic Association
  38. 2005 - 2009
    MemberAssociation for Academic Surgery
  39. 2005 - present
    MemberSociety for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
  40. 2005 - present
    MemberPancreas Club
  41. 2004 - 2006
    PresidentMayo Fellows Association, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science
  42. 2004 - 2006
    Resident RepresentativeMinnesota Medical Association
  43. 2004 - 2006
    Resident RepresentativeAmerican Medical Association
  44. 2004 - 2005
    Resident RepresentativeZumbro Valley Medical Society, Minnesota Medical Association
  45. 2002 - present
    MemberAmerican Medical Association
  46. 2002 - present
    MemberZumbro Valley Medical Society, Minnesota Medical Association
  47. 2002 - present
    MemberMinnesota Medical Association


Research activities

See a description of research activities.