DepartmentsCardiovascular MedicineSpecialty GroupsSports CardiologyLocationJacksonville, FloridaLanguagesEnglishExisting patientsSend a secure message via patient portal Mayo Clinic locations Jacksonville, Florida Driving Directions More info Billing & insurance Accessibility services Education2013Post Doctoral Fellowship - Research Focus: Cardiopulmonary interactions in cardiovascular disease Division of Cardiovascular DiseasesMayo Clinic in Rochester2009Post Doctoral Fellowship - Research Focus: Cardiopulmonary interactions in spinal cord injury Centre for Sports Medicine & Human PerformanceBrunel University 2007Doctor of Philosophy - Research Focus: Respiratory system limitations to exercise Centre for Sports Medicine & Human PerformanceBrunel University 2004BSc (Hons) - School of Biomedical & Life Sciences University of GlasgowShow more education Activities and honorsAwards and honors2020FellowshipAmerican College of Sports Medicine2015Sports & Health Sciences Best LecturerUniversity of Exeter2011Young Scientist AwardEuropean Respiratory Society 2010Research Access to Technology AwardMayo Clinic2009Fulbright Distinguished Scholar AwardFulbright Commission UK 2008Vice-Chancellors Award for Excellence in Doctoral ResearchBrunel University 2007Vice-Chancellors Travel Grant for Postgraduate StudentsBrunel University 2006International Student AwardAmerican College of Sports Medicine Show more awards and honorsProfessional memberships2024 - presentMemberAmerican Physiology Society2023 - presentEducation CommitteeAmerican Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation2023 - presentResearch CommitteeAmerican Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation2022 - presentMemberCHEST2020 - presentMemberAmerican Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation2020 - presentMemberMayo Clinic Enterprise Cardiac Rehabilitation Research Workgroup2020 - presentMemberMayo Clinic Enterprise Cardiac Rehabilitation Executive Board2017 - 2020University Representative for The Physiological SocietyUniversity of Leeds, UK2016 - 2020Ethics Committee MemberUniversity of Leeds, UK2016 - presentFellow MemberAmerican College of Sports Medicine2016 - presentMemberPhysiological Society of the UK2014 - 2016Internationalization CommitteeUniversity of ExeterShow more professional membershipsPublicationsSee my publications Mayo Clinic locationsEducationActivities and honors Request an appointment PST-20527880 Doctors & Medical Staff Taylor, Bryan J. Ph.D.