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Yu Shi, M.D., M.P.H.

  1. Anesthesiologist


  1. Choudhury A, Kulkarni AV, Arora V, Soin AS, Dokmeci AK, Chowdhury A, Koshy A, Duseja A, Kumar A, Mishra AK, Patwa AK, Sood A, Roy A, Shukla A, Chan A, Krag A, Mukund A, Mandot A, Goel A, Butt AS, Sahney A, Shrestha A, Cardenas A, Di Giorgio A, Arora A, Anand AC, Dhawan A, Jindal A, Saraya A, Srivastava A, Kumar A, Kaewdech A, Pande A, Rastogi A, Valsan A, Goel A, Kumar A, Singal AK, Tanaka A, Coilly A, Singh A, Meena BL, Jagadisan B, Sharma BC, Lal BB, Eapen CE, Yaghi C, Kedarisetty CK, Kim CW, Panackel C, Yu C, Kalal CR, Bihari C, Huang CH, Vasishtha C, Jansen C, Strassburg C, Lin CY, Karvellas CJ, Lesmana CRA, Philips CA, Shawcross D, Kapoor D, Agrawal D, Payawal DA, Praharaj DL, Jothimani D, Song DS, Kim DJ, Kim DS, Zhongping D, Karim F, Durand F, Shiha GE, D'Amico G, Lau GK, Pati GK, Narro GEC, Lee GH, Adali G, Dhakal GP, Szabo G, Lin HC, Li H, Nair HK, Devarbhavi H, Tevethia H, Ghazinian H, Ilango H, Yu HL, Hasan I, Fernandez J, George J, Behari J, Fung J, Bajaj J, Benjamin J, Lai JC, Jia J, Hu JH, Chen JJ, Hou JL, Yang JM, Chang J, Trebicka J, Kalf JC, Sollano JD, Varghese J, Arab JP, Li J, Reddy KR, Raja K, Panda K, Kajal K, Kumar K, Madan K, Kalista KF, Thanapirom K, Win KM, Suk KT, Devadas K, Lesmana LA, Kamani L, Premkumar M, Niriella MA, Al Mahtab M, Yuen MF, Sayed MH, Alla M, Wadhawan M, Sharma MK, Sahu M, Prasad M, Muthiah MD, Schulz M, Bajpai M, Reddy MS, Praktiknjo M, Yu ML, Prasad M, Sharma M, Elbasiony M, Eslam M, Azam MG, Rela M, Desai MS, Vij M, Mahmud N, Choudhary NS, Marannan NK, Ormeci N, Saraf N, Verma N, Nakayama N, Kawada N, Oidov Baatarkhuu Baatarkhuu, Goyal O, Yokosuka O, Rao PN, Angeli P, Parikh P, Kamath PS, Thuluvath PJ, Lingohr P, Ranjan P, Bhangui P, Rathi P, Sakhuja P, Puri P, Ning Q, Dhiman RK, Kumar R, Vijayaraghavan R, Khanna R, Maiwall R, Mohanka R, Moreau R, Gani RA, Loomba R, Mehtani R, Rajaram RB, Hamid SS, Palnitkar S, Lal S, Biswas S, Chirapongsathorn S, Agarwal S, Sachdeva S, Saigal S, Kumar SE, Violeta S, Singh SP, Mochida S, Mukewar S, Alam S, Lim SG, Alam S, Shalimar Shalimar, Venishetty S, Sundaram SS, Shetty S, Bhatia S, Singh SA, Kottilil S, Strasser S, Shasthry SM, Maung ST, Tan SS, Treeprasertsuk S, Asthana S, Manekeller S, Gupta S, Acharya SK, K C S, Maharshi S, Asrani S, Dadhich S, Taneja S, Giri S, Singh S, Chen T, Gupta T, Kanda T, Tanwandee T, Piratvishuth T, Spengler U, Prasad VGM, Midha V, Rakhmetova V, Arroyo V, Sood V, Br VK, Wong VW, Pamecha V, Singh V, Dayal VM, Saraswat VA, Kim W, Jafri W, Gu W, Jun WY, Qi X, Chawla YK, Kim YJ, Shi Y, Abbas Z, Kumar G, Shiina S, Wei L, Omata M, Sarin SK, APASL-ACLF Research Consortium (AARC) for APASL-ACLF working party. Acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF): the 'Kyoto Consensus'-steps from Asia. Hepatol Int. 2025 Feb 17 [Epub ahead of print]
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  2. Shi Y, Heien HC, Orvidas LJ, Sangaralingham LR, Halbauer M, Warner DO, Phelan S. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Otolaryngology Office Visit and Tympanostomy Tube Placement in Children with Otitis Media. Laryngoscope. 2024 Aug; 134 (8):3846-3852 Epub 2024 Mar 07
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  3. Shi Y, Macoun S, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Kirsch AC, Haines KM, Zaccariello MJ, Warner DO. Longitudinal assessment of behaviour in young children undergoing general anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth. 2022 Nov; 129 (5):740-746 Epub 2022 Sept 29
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  4. Shi Y, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Haines KM, Kirsch AC, Macoun S, Zaccariello MJ, Warner DO. Longitudinal assessment of cognitive function in young children undergoing general anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth. 2022 Feb; 128 (2):294-300 Epub 2021 Dec 11
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  5. Shi Y, Dykhoff HJ, Guevara LRH, Sangaralingham LR, Schroeder DR, Flick RP, Zaccariello MJ, Warner DO. Moderators of the association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and exposure to anaesthesia and surgery in children. Br J Anaesth. 2021 Nov; 127 (5):722-728 Epub 2021 Sept 06
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  6. Shi Y, Hunter Guevara LR, Dykhoff HJ, Sangaralingham LR, Phelan S, Zaccariello MJ, Warner DO. Racial Disparities in Diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in a US National Birth Cohort. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Mar 1; 4 (3):e210321 Epub 2021 Mar 01
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  7. Gleich SJ, Shi Y, Flick R, Zaccariello MJ, Schroeder DR, Hanson AC, Warner DO. Hypotension and adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes among children with multiple exposures to general anesthesia: Subanalysis of the Mayo Anesthesia Safety in Kids (MASK) Study. Paediatr Anaesth. 2021 Mar; 31 (3):282-289 Epub 2021 Jan 04
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  8. Shi Y, Schulte PJ, Hanson AC, Zaccariello MJ, Hu D, Crow S, Flick RP, Warner DO. Utility of medical record diagnostic codes to ascertain attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and learning disabilities in populations of children. BMC Pediatr. 2020 Nov 7; 20 (1):510 Epub 2020 Nov 07
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  9. Thalji L, Shi Y, Hanson KT, Wakeam E, Habermann EB, Hyder JA. Characterizing the spectrum of body mass index associated with severe postoperative pulmonary complications in children. J Anesth. 2019 Jun; 33 (3):372-380 Epub 2019 Apr 11
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  10. Shi Y, Hu D, Rodgers EL, Katusic SK, Gleich SJ, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Flick RP, Warner DO. Epidemiology of general anesthesia prior to age 3 in a population-based birth cohort. Paediatr Anaesth. 2018 Jun; 28 (6):513-519 Epub 2018 Mar 13
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  11. Warner DO, Shi Y, Flick RP. Anesthesia and Neurodevelopment in Children: Perhaps the End of the Beginning. Anesthesiology 2018 Apr; 128 (4):700-703
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  12. Warner DO, LeBlanc A, Kadimpati S, Vickers KS, Shi Y, Montori VM. Decision Aid for Cigarette Smokers Scheduled for Elective Surgery. Anesthesiology. 2015 Jul; 123 (1):18-28
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  13. Warner DO, Campbell EB, Hathaway JC, Shi Y, Flick R, Harrison TE, Hinds RF, Klesges RC, Vickers KS. Reducing secondhand smoke exposure of children undergoing surgery. Am J Health Behav. 2014 Nov; 38(6):924-32.
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  14. Warner DO, Borah BJ, Moriarty J, Schroeder DR, Shi Y, Shah ND. Smoking status and health care costs in the perioperative period: a population-based study. JAMA Surg. 2014 Mar; 149 (3):259-66
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  15. Shi Y, Ehlers S, Warner DO. The theory of planned behavior as applied to preoperative smoking abstinence. PLoS One. 2014; 9 (7):e103064 Epub 2014 July 24
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  16. Shi Y, Ehlers S, Hinds R, Baumgartner A, Warner DO. Monitoring of exhaled carbon monoxide to promote preoperative smoking abstinence. Health Psychol. 2013 Jun; 32 (6):714-7 Epub 2012 Aug 27
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  17. Yu C, Shi Y, Kadimpati S, Sheng Y, Jing J, Schroeder D, Luo A, Warner DO. Perioperative smoking behavior of Chinese surgical patients. Anesth Analg. 2013 Jun; 116: (6)1238-46.
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  18. Shi Y, Warner DO. Brief preoperative smoking abstinence: is there a dilemma? Anesth Analg. 2011 Dec; 113: (6)1348-51.
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  19. Hooten WM, Vickers KS, Shi Y, Ebnet KL, Townsend CO, Patten CA, Warner DO. Smoking cessation and chronic pain: patient and pain medicine physician attitudes. Pain Pract. 2011 Nov-Dec; 11 (6):552-63 Epub 2011 Apr 25
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  20. Warner DO, Shi Y. Is it dangerous to quit smoking shortly before surgery? Anesthesiology. 2011 Nov; 115(5):1137-8; author's reply 1138.
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  21. Shi Y, Hooten WM, Warner DO. Effects of smoking cessation on pain in older adults. Nicotine Tob Res. 2011 Oct; 13 (10):919-25 Epub 2011 May 12
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  22. Shi Y, Warner DO. Pediatric surgery and parental smoking behavior. Anesthesiology. 2011 Jul; 115: (1)12-7.
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  23. Warner DO, Klesges RC, Dale LC, Offord KP, Schroeder DR, Shi Y, Vickers KS, Danielson DR. Clinician-delivered intervention to facilitate tobacco quitline use by surgical patients. Anesthesiology. 2011 Apr; 114 (4):847-55
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  24. Weingarten TN, Shi Y, Mantilla CB, Hooten WM, Warner DO. Smoking and chronic pain: a real-but-puzzling relationship. Minn Med. 2011 Mar; 94(3):35-7.
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  25. Hooten WM, Shi Y, Gazelka HM, Warner DO. The effects of depression and smoking on pain severity and opioid use in patients with chronic pain. Pain. 2011 Jan; 152 (1):223-229 Epub 2010 Dec 03
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  26. Shi Y, Hooten WM, Roberts RO, Warner DO. Modifiable risk factors for incidence of pain in older adults. Pain. 2010 Nov; 151 (2):366-371 Epub 2010 Aug 08
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  27. Shi Y, Weingarten TN, Mantilla CB, Hooten WM, Warner DO. Smoking and pain: pathophysiology and clinical implications. Anesthesiology. 2010 Oct; 113 (4):977-92
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  28. Shi Y, Yu C, Luo A, Huang Y, Warner DO. Perioperative tobacco interventions by Chinese anesthesiologists: practices and attitudes. Anesthesiology. 2010 Feb; 112: (2)338-46.
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  29. Yu C, Shi Y, Warner DO, Luo A. The role of anesthesiologists in tobacco control. Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology. 2010; 30:129-131.
  30. Shi Y, Yu C, Luo A, Warner DO. Cigarette smoking and perioperative management. Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology. 2010; 30:4-6.
  31. Shi Y, Warner DO. Surgery as a teachable moment for smoking cessation. Anesthesiology. 2010 Jan; 112 (1):102-7
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  32. Weingarten TN, Iverson BC, Shi Y, Schroeder DR, Warner DO, Reid KI. Impact of tobacco use on the symptoms of painful temporomandibular joint disorders. Pain. 2009 Dec 15; 147 (1-3):67-71 Epub 2009 Sept 29
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  33. Hooten WM, Townsend CO, Bruce BK, Shi Y, Warner DO. Sex differences in characteristics of smokers with chronic pain undergoing multidisciplinary pain rehabilitation. Pain Med. 2009 Nov; 10: (8)1416-25.
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  34. Ho MG, Shi Y, Ma S, Novotny TE. Perceptions of tobacco advertising and marketing that might lead to smoking initiation among Chinese high school girls. Tob Control. 2007 Oct; 16: (5)359-60.
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