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Jane R. Rosenman, M.D.

  1. Pediatrician


  1. Rochester, Minnesota


  1. 2001
    Resident - Pediatric Residency ProgramIndiana University School of Medicine
  2. 1998
    MD - New York State/American ProgramTel Aviv University, Sackler School of Medicine
  3. 1990
    BA - Russian Language, Literature and CultureSyracuse University


  1. 2019
    Pediatric Hospital MedicineAmerican Board of Pediatrics
  2. 2001
    PediatricsAmerican Board of Pediatrics

Awards and honors

  1. 2019
    Favorite Faculty AwardMayo Clnic
  2. 2007
    HonorBest Doctors in America
  3. 2001
    FellowJames Whitcomb Riley Memorial Association
  4. 1989
    Ella Schumann Hegent Award (Awarded to top student among the Russian and German Departments)Syracuse University
  5. 1988
    MemberGolden Key International Honour Society
  6. 1988
    Outstanding College Students of America AssociationAwarding Organization
  7. 1987
    Treasurer (1989)Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society

Professional memberships

  1. 2022 - present
    MemberChildren's Center Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee
  2. 2021 - present
    MemberMidwest CPC (MWCPC)
  3. 2015 - present
    MemberPediatric Sepsis Collaborative
  4. 2015 - 2017
    Physician LeadBed Management Work Group, Unit Committees, Department of Nursing
  5. 2015 - present
    MemberCEOT Executive Committee
  6. 2014 - present
    MemberChildren's Center Quality and Practice Committee, Mayo Clinic Children's Center
  7. 2014 - present
    MemberChildren's Center Quality Executive Committee
  8. 2013
    Physician MemberBehavior Health Overcapacity Workgroup
  9. 2013 - present
    ChairMayo Clinic Children's Center Experience Oversight Team (formerly Service Oversight Group)
  10. 2012 - present
    DirectorMayo Clinic - General Pediatrics
  11. 2012 - present
    Leadership AdvisorCommitment to Safety Facilitation Team
  12. 2012 - present
    Leadership AdvisorHospital Engagement Network, Mayo Clinic Children's Center
  13. 2012 - present
    MemberMayo Clinic Patient Experience
  14. 2010 - present
    Founding MemberMidwest Consortium on Global Health
  15. 2010 - present
    MemberEducation Committee, Academic Pediatric Association (formerly Ambulatory Pediatric Association)
  16. 2008
    MemberNeonatology Search Committee
  17. 2007 - present
    MemberInternational Society of Travel Medicine
  18. 2005 - 2007
    MemberPediatric Quality Committee, Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
  19. 2005
    MemberWork/Life Subcommittee, Mayo Clinic Rochester Committees
  20. 2005 - present
    MemberHospital Consultant Committee, Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
  21. 2004 - 2008
    MemberDisease Management Review Group (DMRG), Mayo Clinic Rochester Committees
  22. 2004 - 2007
    MemberHealthcare Implementation Team, Division of Community Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
  23. 2004 - 2007
    Physician LiaisonDivision of Community Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
  24. 2004 - present
    FellowAmerican Academy of Pediatrics
  25. 2004 - present
    MemberAcademic Pediatric Association (formerly Ambulatory Pediatric Association)
  26. 2001 - 2003
    Candidate FellowAmerican Academy of Pediatrics
  27. 2001 - 2003
    MemberInfectious Disease Society of Indiana
  28. 1998 - 2001
    Regional Resident DelegateAmerican Academy of Pediatrics
  29. 1998 - 2000
    Resident MemberAmerican Medical Association
  30. 1998 - 2000
    MemberAmerican Medical Association
