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Doug J. Moseley, Ph.D.

  1. Radiation Oncology Medical Physicist


  1. Tang X, Wan Chan Tseung H, Moseley D, Zverovitch A, Hughes CO, George J, Johnson JE, Breen WG, Qian J. Deep learning based linear energy transfer calculation for proton therapy. Phys Med Biol. 2024 May 30; 69 (11)
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  2. Deufel C, Dodoo C, Kavanaugh J, Finley R, Lang K, Sorenson K, Spreiter S, Brooks J, Moseley D, Ahmed SK, Haddock MG, Ma D, Park SS, Petersen IA, Owen DW, Grams MP. Automated target placement for VMAT lattice radiation therapy: enhancing efficiency and consistency. Phys Med Biol. 2024 Mar 18; 69 (7)
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  3. Deufel CL, Lucido JJ 3rd, Ma D, Hylwa SA, Moseley D. Research Publication Rates Are Age- and Era-Dependent for Radiation Oncologists From Highly Ranked NCI-Designated Cancer Centers. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2024 Jan-Feb; 14 (1):e9-e19 Epub 2023 Aug 29
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  4. Brooks J, Tryggestad E, Anand A, Beltran C, Foote R, Lucido JJ, Laack NN, Routman D, Patel SH, Seetamsetty S, Moseley D. Knowledge-based quality assurance of a comprehensive set of organ at risk contours for head and neck radiotherapy. Front Oncol. 2024; 14:1295251 Epub 2024 Feb 29
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  5. Lucido JJ, DeWees TA, Leavitt TR, Anand A, Beltran CJ, Brooke MD, Buroker JR, Foote RL, Foss OR, Gleason AM, Hodge TL, Hughes CO, Hunzeker AE, Laack NN, Lenz TK, Livne M, Morigami M, Moseley DJ, Undahl LM, Patel Y, Tryggestad EJ, Walker MZ, Zverovitch A, Patel SH. Validation of clinical acceptability of deep-learning-based automated segmentation of organs-at-risk for head-and-neck radiotherapy treatment planning. Front Oncol. 2023; 13:1137803 Epub 2023 Apr 06
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  6. Lucido JJ, Shiraishi S, Seetamsetty S, Ellerbusch DC, Antolak JA, Moseley DJ. Automated testing platform for radiotherapy treatment planning scripts. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2023 Jan; 24 (1):e13845 Epub 2022 Nov 21
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  7. Tryggestad E, Anand A, Beltran C, Brooks J, Cimmiyotti J, Grimaldi N, Hodge T, Hunzeker A, Lucido JJ, Laack NN, Momoh R, Moseley DJ, Patel SH, Ridgway A, Seetamsetty S, Shiraishi S, Undahl L, Foote RL. Scalable radiotherapy data curation infrastructure for deep-learning based autosegmentation of organs-at-risk: A case study in head and neck cancer. Front Oncol. 2022; 12:936134 Epub 2022 Aug 29
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  8. Hickling SV, Veres AJ, Moseley DJ, Grams MP. Implementation of free breathing respiratory amplitude-gated treatments. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2021 Jun; 22 (6):119-129 Epub 2021 May 13
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  9. Loudon J, Proctor L, Wenz J, Roussos J, Chaudhry N, Moseley D, Zhang B, Yeung I, Liu FF, Wells W. Development of a Collaboration Model between Two Cancer Centres to Maintain Patient Access to Radiation Therapy during the Replacement of a Sole CT Simulator at a Regional Cancer Centre. J Med Imaging Radiat Sci. 2019 Jun; 50 (2):206-211 Epub 2019 Apr 11
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  10. Rozanec N, Allibhai Z, Bhatti M, Chan E, McIntosh M, Moseley D, Taremi M, Abbas A. Palliation of Vertebral Metastases with Radiotherapy: Exploration of Volumetric-Modulated Arc Therapy From Development to Implementation in Routine Clinical Practice. J Med Imaging Radiat Sci. 2019 Mar; 50 (1):68-73 Epub 2018 Dec 03
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  11. N Rozanec, DJ Moseley. The Speedy CTV: Creation of an Adaptable Spine CTV Mesh to Decrease Contouring Times Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences. 2019.
  12. Munbodh R, Knisely JP, Jaffray DA, Moseley DJ. 2D-3D registration for cranial radiation therapy using a 3D kV CBCT and a single limited field-of-view 2D kV radiograph. Med Phys. 2018 May; 45 (5):1794-1810 Epub 2018 Mar 24
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  13. Chortogiannos C, Moseley D, Chen J, Pellizzari A, Brierley J, Li W. Evaluation of Bony Anatomy Versus Endobiliary Stents as Surrogates for Volumetric Image Guidance in Pancreatic Cancer. J Med Imaging Radiat Sci. 2017 Dec; 48 (4):352-359 Epub 2017 May 31
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  14. Li W, Jaffray DA, Wilson G, Moseley D. How long does it take? An analysis of volumetric image assessment time. Radiother Oncol. 2016 Apr; 119 (1):150-3 Epub 2016 Feb 06
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  15. Li W, Cashell A, Jaffray DA, Moseley D. Development and Implementation of an Electronic Learning Module for Volumetric Image-Guided Radiation Therapy. J Med Imaging Radiat Sci. 2016 Mar; 47 (1):43-48 Epub 2016 Jan 11
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  16. W. Li, K. Kratz, A. Pellizzari, J. Hsu, N. Becker, T. Stanescu, J. Kim, D. Moseley. Evaluation of 3D vs 4D Cone-beam CT (CBCT) Target Localization Methods for Free Breathing Liver Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences. 2016.
  17. Eccles CL, Tse RV, Hawkins MA, Lee MT, Moseley DJ, Dawson LA. Intravenous contrast-enhanced cone beam computed tomography (IVCBCT) of intrahepatic tumors and vessels. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2016 Jan-Mar; 1 (1):43-50 Epub 2016 Jan 26
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  18. Bernchou U, Hansen O, Schytte T, Bertelsen A, Hope A, Moseley D, Brink C. Prediction of lung density changes after radiotherapy by cone beam computed tomography response markers and pre-treatment factors for non-small cell lung cancer patients. Radiother Oncol. 2015 Oct; 117 (1):17-22 Epub 2015 Aug 06
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  19. Giuliani M, Gillan C, Wong O, Harnett N, Milne E, Moseley D, Thompson R, Catton P, Bissonnette JP. Evaluation of high-fidelity simulation training in radiation oncology using an outcomes logic model. Radiat Oncol. 2014 Aug 28; 9:189
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  20. Kim SM, Chmielewski R, Abbas A, Yeung IW, Moseley DJ. Quality assurance of asymmetric jaw alignment using 2D diode array. Med Phys. 2013 Dec; 40 (12):122101
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  21. Abbas AS, Moseley D, Kassam Z, Kim SM, Cho C. Volumetric-modulated arc therapy for the treatment of a large planning target volume in thoracic esophageal cancer. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2013 May 6; 14 (3):4269 Epub 2013 May 06
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  22. E Chan, K Smith, G Mohamoud, N Rozanec, L Fenkell, E Barnett, D Moseley. Tri-Axial Ellipsoid Volume Calculation: A Method for Bladder Volume Estimation Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences. 2013.
  23. W Li, D Moseley, A Cashell, S Foxcroft, J Wenz. Development and Implementation of an Electronic Education Tool for Volumetric Image Guided Radiation Therapy Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences. 2013.
  24. N., A., M., D., B., T., A., D.. Implementation of volumetric modulated arc therapy with flattening-filter-free beams for steriotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) of spinal/paraspinal tumours. Journal of Radiosurgery & SBRT 2. 2013.
  25. Marchand EL, Sahgal A, Zhang TJ, Millar BA, Sharpe M, Moseley D, Letourneau D. Treatment planning and delivery evaluation of volumetric modulated arc therapy for stereotactic body radiotherapy of spinal tumours: impact of arc discretization in planning system. Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2012 Dec; 11 (6):599-606 Epub 2012 June 15
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  26. Davidson MT, Masucci GL, Follwell M, Blake SJ, Xu W, Moseley DJ, Sanghera P, Wong CS, Perry J, Tsao M, Sahgal A. Single arc volumetric modulated arc therapy for complex brain gliomas: is there an advantage as compared to intensity modulated radiotherapy or by adding a partial arc? Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2012 Jun; 11 (3):211-20 Epub 2012 Mar 01
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  27. Bissonnette JP, Balter PA, Dong L, Langen KM, Lovelock DM, Miften M, Moseley DJ, Pouliot J, Sonke JJ, Yoo S. Quality assurance for image-guided radiation therapy utilizing CT-based technologies: a report of the AAPM TG-179. Med Phys. 2012 Apr; 39 (4):1946-63
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  28. Vesprini D, Sia M, Lockwood G, Moseley D, Rosewall T, Bayley A, Bristow R, Chung P, Menard C, Milosevic M, Warde P, Catton C. Role of principal component analysis in predicting toxicity in prostate cancer patients treated with hypofractionated intensity-modulated radiation therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2011 Nov 15; 81 (4):e415-21 Epub 2011 Apr 07
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  29. Li W, Moseley DJ, Craig T, Bezjak A, Jaffray DA. The Impact of Evolving Image-Guidance Processes on Initial Patient Setup for Lung Radiotherapy. J Med Imaging Radiat Sci. 2011 Jun; 42 (2):66-73 Epub 2011 May 30
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  30. Li W, Sie F, Bootsma G, Moseley D, Catton CN, Jaffray DA. Geometric performance and efficiency of an optical tracking system for daily pre-treatment positioning in pelvic radiotherapy patients. Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2011 Apr; 10 (2):163-70
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  31. Lim G, Bezjak A, Higgins J, Moseley D, Hope AJ, Sun A, Cho JB, Brade AM, Ma C, Bissonnette JP. Tumor regression and positional changes in non-small cell lung cancer during radical radiotherapy. J Thorac Oncol. 2011 Mar; 6 (3):531-6
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  32. Li W, Moseley DJ, Bissonnette JP, Purdie TG, Bezjak A, Jaffray DA. Setup reproducibility for thoracic and upper gastrointestinal radiation therapy: Influence of immobilization method and on-line cone-beam CT guidance. Med Dosim. 2010 Winter; 35 (4):287-96 Epub 2009 Oct 29
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  33. Case RB, Moseley DJ, Sonke JJ, Eccles CL, Dinniwell RE, Kim J, Bezjak A, Milosevic M, Brock KK, Dawson LA. Interfraction and intrafraction changes in amplitude of breathing motion in stereotactic liver radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2010 Jul 1; 77 (3):918-25 Epub 2010 Mar 06
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  34. Bissonnette JP, Franks KN, Purdie TG, Moseley DJ, Sonke JJ, Jaffray DA, Dawson LA, Bezjak A. Quantifying interfraction and intrafraction tumor motion in lung stereotactic body radiotherapy using respiration-correlated cone beam computed tomography. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2009 Nov 1; 75 (3):688-95 Epub 2009 Apr 22
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  35. Case RB, Sonke JJ, Moseley DJ, Kim J, Brock KK, Dawson LA. Inter- and intrafraction variability in liver position in non-breath-hold stereotactic body radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2009 Sep 1; 75 (1):302-8 Epub 2009 July 21
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  36. Letourneau D, Publicover J, Kozelka J, Moseley DJ, Jaffray DA. Novel dosimetric phantom for quality assurance of volumetric modulated arc therapy. Med Phys. 2009 May; 36 (5):1813-21
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  37. Bartolac S, Clackdoyle R, Noo F, Siewerdsen JH, Moseley DJ, Jaffray DA. A local shift-variant Fourier model and experimental validation of circular cone-beam computed tomography artifacts Med Phys. 2009.
  38. Mail N, Moseley DJ, Siewerdsen JH, Jaffray DA. The influence of bowtie filtration on cone-beam CT image quality Med Phys. 2009.
  39. Mail N, Moseley DJ, Siewerdsen JH, Jaffray DA. An empirical method for lag correction in cone-beam CT. Med Phys. 2008 Nov; 35 (11):5187-96
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  40. Munbodh R, Chen Z, Jaffray DA, Moseley DJ, Knisely JPS, Duncan JS. Automated 2D–3D registration of portal images and CT data using line-segment enhancement Med Phys. 2008.
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  41. Breen SL, Moseley DJ, Zhang B, Sharpe MB. Statistical process control for IMRT dosimetric verification. Med Phys. 2008 Oct; 35 (10):4417-25
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  42. Bissonnette JP, Moseley DJ, Jaffray DA. A quality assurance program for image quality of cone-beam CT guidance in radiation therapy. Med Phys. 2008 May; 35 (5):1807-15
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  43. Ng A, Beiki-Ardakan A, Tong S, Moseley D, Siewerdsen J, Jaffray D, Yeung IW. A dual modality phantom for cone beam CT and ultrasound image fusion in prostate implant. Med Phys. 2008 May; 35 (5):2062-71
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  44. Chan Y, Siewerdsen JH, Rafferty MA, Moseley DJ, Jaffray DA, Irish JC. Cone-beam computed tomography on a mobile C-arm: novel intraoperative imaging technology for guidance of head and neck surgery. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008 Feb; 37 (1):81-90
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  45. Brock KK, Hawkins M, Eccles C, Moseley JL, Moseley DJ, Jaffray DA, Dawson LA. Improving image-guided target localization through deformable registration. Acta Oncol. 2008; 47 (7):1279-85
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  46. Tward DJ, Siewerdsen JH, Daly MJ, Richard S, Moseley DJ, Moseley DJ, Jaffray DA, Paul NS. Soft-tissue detectability in cone-beam CT: evaluation by 2AFC tests in relation to physical performance metrics. Med Phys. 2007 Nov; 34 (11):4459-71
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  47. Graham SA, Moseley DJ, Siewerdsen JH, Jaffray DA. Compensators for dose and scatter management in cone-beam computed tomography. Med Phys. 2007 Jul; 34 (7):2691-703
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  48. Munbodh R, Chen Z, Jaffray DA, Moseley DJ, Knisely JP, Duncan JS. A frequency-based approach to locate common structure for 2D-3D intensity-based registration of setup images in prostate radiotherapy. Med Phys. 2007 Jul; 34 (7):3005-17
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  49. Khoury A, Whyne CM, Daly M, Moseley DJ, Bootsma G, Skrinskas T, Siewerdsen JH, Jaffray DA. Intraoperative cone-beam CT for correction of periaxial malrotation of the femoral shaft: A surface- matching approach Med. Phys. 2007.
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  50. Letourneau D, Wong R, Moseley D, Sharpe MB, Ansell S, Gospodarowicz M, Jaffray DA. Online planning and delivery technique for radiotherapy of spinal metastases using cone-beam CT: image quality and system performance. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2007 Mar 15; 67 (4):1229-37
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  51. Moseley DJ, White EA, Wiltshire KL, Rosewall T, Sharpe MB, Siewerdsen JH, Bissonnette JP, Gospodarowicz M, Warde P, Catton CN, Jaffray DA. Comparison of localization performance with implanted fiducial markers and cone-beam computed tomography for on-line image-guided radiotherapy of the prostate. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2007 Mar 1; 67 (3):942-53
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  52. Nichol AM, Brock KK, Lockwood GA, Moseley DJ, Rosewall T, Warde PR, Catton CN, Jaffray DA. A magnetic resonance imaging study of prostate deformation relative to implanted gold fiducial markers. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2007 Jan 1; 67 (1):48-56 Epub 2006 Nov 02
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  53. Jarry G, Graham SA, Moseley DJ, Jaffray DJ, Siewerdsen JH, Verhaegen F. Characterization of scattered radiation in kV CBCT images using Monte Carlo simulations Med Phys. 2006.
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  54. Daly MJ, Siewerdsen JH, Moseley DJ, Jaffray DA, Irish JC. Intraoperative cone-beam CT for guidance of head and neck surgery: Assessment of dose and image quality using a C-arm prototype. Med Phys. 2006 Oct; 33 (10):3767-80
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  55. Hawkins MA, Brock KK, Eccles C, Moseley D, Jaffray D, Dawson LA. Assessment of residual error in liver position using kV cone-beam computed tomography for liver cancer high-precision radiation therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2006 Oct 1; 66 (2):610-9
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  56. Islam MK, Purdie TG, Norrlinger BD, Alasti H, Moseley DJ, Sharpe MB, Siewerdsen JH, Jaffray DA. Patient dose from kilovoltage cone beam computed tomography imaging in radiation therapy. Med Phys. 2006 Jun; 33 (6):1573-82
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  57. Rafferty MA, Siewerdsen JH, Chan Y, Daly MJ, Moseley DJ, Jaffray DA, Irish JC. Intraoperative cone-beam CT for guidance of temporal bone surgery. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2006 May; 134 (5):801-8
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  58. Munbodh R, Jaffray DA, Moseley DJ, Chen Z, Knisely JP, Cathier P, Duncan JS. Automated 2D- 3D registration of a radiograph and a cone beam CT using line-segment enhancement Med Phys. 2006.
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  59. Brock KK, Dawson LA, Sharpe MB, Moseley DJ, Jaffray DA. Feasibility of a novel deformable image registration technique to facilitate classification, targeting, and monitoring of tumor and normal tissue. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2006 Mar 15; 64 (4):1245-54 Epub 2006 Jan 25
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  60. Siewerdsen JH, Daly MJ, Bakhitar B, Moseley DJ, Richard S, Keller H, Jaffray DA. A simple, direct method for x-ray scatter estimation and correction in digital radiography and cone-beam CT Med Phys. 2006.
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  61. Sharpe MB, Moseley DJ, Purdie TG, Islam M, Siewerdsen JH, Jaffray DA. The stability of mechanical calibration for a kV cone-beam computed tomography system integrated with linear accelerator Med Phys. 2006.
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  62. Purdie TG, Moseley DJ, Bissonnette JP, Sharpe MB, Franks K, Bezjak A, Jaffray DA. Respiration correlated cone-beam computed tomography and 4DCT for evaluating target motion in Stereotactic Lung Radiation Therapy. Acta Oncol. 2006; 45 (7):915-22
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  63. Rafferty MA, Siewerdsen JH, Chan Y, Moseley DJ, Daly MJ, Jaffray DA, Irish JC. Investigation of C-arm cone-beam CT-guided surgery of the frontal recess. Laryngoscope. 2005 Dec; 115 (12):2138-43
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  64. Chiarot CB, Siewerdsen JH, Haycocks T, Moseley DJ, Jaffray DA. An innovative phantom for quantitative and qualitative investigation of advanced x-ray imaging technologies. Phys Med Biol. 2005 Nov 7; 50 (21):N287-97 Epub 2005 Oct 12
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  65. Richard S, Siewerdsen JH, Jaffray DA, Moseley DJ, Moseley DJ, Bakhtiar B. Generalized DQE analysis of radiographic and dual-energy imaging using flat-panel detectors. Med Phys. 2005 May; 32 (5):1397-413
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  66. Burch S, Bogaards A, Siewerdsen J, Moseley D, Yee A, Finkelstein J, Weersink R, Wilson BC, Bisland SK. Photodynamic therapy for the treatment of metastatic lesions in bone: studies in rat and porcine models. J Biomed Opt. 2005 May-Jun; 10 (3):034011
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  67. Cho Y, Moseley DJ, Siewerdsen JH, Jaffray DA. Accurate technique for complete geometric calibration of cone-beam computed tomography systems. Med Phys. 2005 Apr; 32 (4):968-83
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  68. Siewerdsen JH, Moseley DJ, Burch S, Bisland SK, Bogaards A, Wilson BC, Jaffray DA. Volume CT with a flat-panel detector on a mobile, isocentric C-arm: pre-clinical investigation in guidance of minimally invasive surgery. Med Phys. 2005 Jan; 32 (1):241-54
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  69. Siewerdsen JH, Moseley DJ, Bakhtiar B, Richard S, Jaffray DA. The influence of antiscatter grids on soft-tissue detectability in cone-beam computed tomography with flat-panel detectors. Med Phys. 2004 Dec; 31 (12):3506-20
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  70. Siewerdsen JH, Waese AM, Moseley DJ, Richard S, Jaffray D. Spektr. A computational tool for x-ray spectral analysis and imaging system optimization Med Phys. 2004.
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  71. Moseley DJ, Rasmussen H, Forsyth PA. Three-dimensional inversion scheme for Mise-à-la- masse prospecting data using simulated annealing Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly. 1995; 3(3).