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Michael B. Ishitani, M.D.

  1. General Surgeon
  2. Pediatric Surgeon

Specialty Groups


  1. Rochester, Minnesota



Dr. Ishitani has completed training and is certified in Pediatric Surgery, General Surgery, Transplant Surgery and Surgical Critical Care with specific clinical focus on:

  • Neonatal surgery
  • Single incision transumbilical abdominal procedures:
    • Appendectomy
    • Splenectomy
    • Cholescystectomy
    • Colectomy
    • Nissen fundoplication anti-reflux procedure
  • Radionuclide guided resection of pulmonary and soft tissue metastases
  1. Appendectomy
  2. Cholecystectomy
  3. Colectomy
  4. Laparoscopic surgery
  5. Minimally invasive surgery
  6. Neonatal surgery
  7. Single-incision laparoscopic surgery
  8. Splenectomy
  1. 1993
    Fellow - Transplantation SurgeryHealth Sciences Center, University of Virginia
  2. 1991
    Fellow - Pediatric SurgeryChildrens' Hospital of Los Angeles
  3. 1989
    Resident - General SurgeryHealth Sciences Center, University of Virginia
  4. 1983
    MDVanderbilt University
  5. 1979
    BA - History (with distinction)Stanford University


  1. 1994
    Pediatric SurgeryAmerican Board of Surgery
  2. 1993
    Surgical Critical CareAmerican Board of Surgery
  3. 1990
    General SurgeryAmerican Board of Surgery

Awards and honors

  1. 1989
    Hugh Shepard Warren, M.D. Teaching AwardUniversity of Virginia
  2. 1981
    Exchange FellowshipKarolinska Institute - Vanderbilt University Medical Center
  3. 1980
    Northern California I Care Auxiliary FellowshipAwarding Organization
  4. 1975
    ScholarshipOregon Regional Primate Research Center

Professional memberships

  1. 2019 - present
    MemberAmerican Pediatric Surgical Association, Wellness Task Force
  2. 2016 - present
    MemberThe Priestley Society
  3. 2016 - present
    MemberPacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons
  4. 2015 - present
    Co-ChairCurriculum Development for Transplant Surgery Fellowship, American Society of Transplant Surgeons
  5. 2014 - present
    Fellowship Training Committee, Exam Development GroupAmerican Society of Transplant Surgeons
  6. 2013 - present
    Active MemberQuality Committee, Department of Surgery
  7. 2011 - 2014
    MemberCME Committee, American Pediatric Surgical Association
  8. 2011 - 2014
    MemberEducation Committee, American Pediatric Surgical Association
  9. 2008 - present
    Active MemberPediatric Trauma Performance Improvement Committee, Mayo Clinic Trauma Center
  10. 2007 - 2013
    ChairCME Committee, American Society of Transplant Surgeons
  11. 2007 - 2010
    MemberSurgical Quality and Safety Committee, American Pediatric Surgical Association
  12. 2004 - 2010
    MemberCME Committee, American Society of Transplant Surgeons
  13. 1996 - present
    MemberAmerican College of Surgeons
  14. 1995 - present
    MemberAmerican Society of Transplantation


Research activities

See a description of research activities.