DepartmentsNeurologySpecialty GroupsCritical CareCerebrovascular Diseases and Critical CareLocationLanguagesEnglishExisting patientsSend a secure message via patient portal Appointments 507-229-7186 Request an appointment online Conditions treatedGuillain Barre syndromeIschemic strokeStrokeSubarachnoid hemorrhage InterestsAcute ischemic stroke treatmentAnoxic-ischemic brain injuryCerebrovascular pathophysiologySubarachnoid hemorrhage Mayo Clinic locations Rochester, Minnesota Driving directions More info Billing & insurance Accessibility services Education2015Diploma - Clinical and Translational ScienceMayo School of Graduate Medical Education2013FellowRST Neurocritical Care, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine2013Research Training - Honorary Research AppointmentCambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust2013Fellow - Critical Care Neurology FellowshipMayo School of Graduate Medical Education2011ResidentNeurology, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine2011Residency - Neurology ResidencyMayo School of Graduate Medical Education2008ResidentPreliminary Internal Medicine, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine2008InternshipMayo School of Graduate Medical Education2007Doctor of Osteopathic MedicinePhiladelphia College Of Osteopathic Medicine2003BS - Molecular BiologyGrove City CollegeShow more education Activities and honorsCertifications2021Neurocritical CareAmerican Board of Psychiatry and Neurology2011NeurologyAmerican Board of Psychiatry and NeurologyAwards and honors2011American Neurological Association Travel Scholarship RecipientMayo School of Graduate of Medical Education, Neurology Residency2011Department of Neurology Research AwardMayo School of Graduate Medicine, Neurology Residency2011American Academy of Neurology Scholarship for Research Career DevelopmentMayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Neurology Residency2010American Academy of Neurology Resident Scholarship RecipientMayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Neurology Residency2010American Academy of Neurology Resident Research Travel Scholarship RecipientMayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Neurology Residency2007PCOM Student Memorial AwardPhiladelphia College Of Osteopathic Medicine2007Ruth Waddel Cathie Memorial Award in PathologyPhiladelphia College Of Osteopathic Medicine2006Sigma Alpha OmicronPhiladelphia College Of Osteopathic Medicine2006Sigma Sigma PhiPhiladelphia College Of Osteopathic Medicine2002Scroll and Key Honor SocietyGrove City CollegeShow more awards and honorsProfessional memberships2023 - presentChairOrgan, Tissue and Eye Donation Committee2023 - presentMemberABPN 2022 - presentDirectorMB8DE Neuroscience ICU Unit Leadership Meeting2021MemberNeurocritical Care Society2021 - presentMemberMortality Review Committee2021 - presentMemberNeurology Curriculum Committee, Department of Neurology2021 - presentMemberNeuroscience Mortality Review Committee2017 - presentMemberCritical Care IMP Clinical Practice Subcommittee2016 - 2019Associate Medical DirectorMayo Clinic Stroke Center2015 - 2021MemberNeurology Executive Research Committee, Department of Neurology2014 - presentMemberNeurology Research Committee, Mayo Foundation2013 - 2015MemberAmerican Heart Association2013MemberNeurocritical Care Society2013 - presentBoard MemberJournal of Neurology and Translational Neuroscience2012 - presentMemberAmerican Stroke Association, American Heart Association2011 - presentBoard MemberFrontiers in Neurocritical and Neurohospitalist Care2009 - 2012Team MemberResident and Fellow Section, Neurology2009 - presentMemberNeurocritical Care Society2008 - presentMemberAmerican Academy of Neurology2008 - presentMemberMinnesota Medical Association2003 - presentMemberAmerican Medical AssociationShow more professional membershipsPublicationsSee my publicationsResearch activitiesSee a description of research activities. Conditions treatedInterestsMayo Clinic locationsEducationActivities and honors Request an appointment PST-20227304 Doctors & Medical Staff Fugate, Jennifer E. D.O.