DepartmentsMayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer CenterLaboratory Medicine and PathologyLocationRochester, MinnesotaLanguagesEnglishExisting patientsSend a secure message via patient portal Conditions treatedLymphoma InterestsPeripheral T-cell lymphomaGenetics of lymphomaBiomarkers and individualized medicineHistiocytic/dendritic cell neoplasmsTumor transdifferentiation Mayo Clinic locations Rochester, Minnesota Driving directions More info Billing & insurance Accessibility services Education2006Clinical Fellowship - HematopathologyNational Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health2005Medical Staff FellowLaboratory of Pathology, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health2004Chief ResidentLaboratory of Pathology, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health2004Resident - Anatomic PathologyLaboratory of Pathology, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health2001Medical Staff Fellow - Surgical OncologySurgery Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health1997Resident - SurgicalUniversity of Connecticut1995Resident - SurgicalWaterbury Hospital, Waterbury, CT1994Resident - SurgicalBoston University Medical Center, Boston University1993Transitional InternshipRoger Williams Medical Center, Brown University1991MDBrown University1990Research AssistantDepartment of Family Medicine, Brown University1986BABrown UniversityShow more education Activities and honorsCertifications2006HematopathologyAmerican Board of Pathology2004Anatomic PathologyAmerican Board of PathologyAwards and honors2015Berard-Dorfman Founders AwardSociety for Hematopathology2007RecipientMedal of the Pedro Ruiz Gallo National University, Lambayeque, Peru2005Artemis FellowshipNikolas Symposium XV, Athens, Greece2003Fellows Award for Research ExcellenceNational Institutes of Health2002Resident RepresentativePathology Program Directors Summer Meeting, Park City, UT2000Fellows Award for Research ExcellenceNational Institutes of Health1999First Prize, Resident Paper CompetitionAmerican Association of Endocrine Surgeons1999Daland AwardNew England Cancer Society, Providence, Rhode Island1996Outstanding Junior Resident Teaching AwardIntegrated Residency in Surgery, University of Connecticut, Farmington, Connecticut1996Second Prize, Resident Trauma CompetitionConnecticut Chapter, American College of Surgeons, Cromwell, Connecticut1988Joseph Collins Foundation Scholarship AwardBrown University School of Medicine1986Honors in Music CompositionBrown University1985First PrizeNortheast Division, American Mensa Education and Research Foundation Scholarship CompetitionShow more awards and honorsProfessional memberships2022 - presentJournal ReviewerVirchows Archiv2021 - presentInvited MemberClinical Advisory Committee for Lymphoid Malignancies2019 - presentAd Hock ReviewerNature Communications2018 - presentMemberAssociation of Pathology Chairs2018 - 2019MemberMayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine, Translational Research Subcommittee 2017 - presentMemberLymphoma/Leukemia Molecular Profiling Project (LLMPP) Research Consortium2017 - presentAd Hoc ReviewerBritish Journal of Haematology2016 - 2020DirectorResearch and Innovation Office, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology2016 - 2020MemberCenter for Individualized Medicine, Steering Committee2016 - 2018ChairCenter for Individualized Medicine, NGS Infrastructure Subcommittee2015 - 2020ChairResearch Executive Committee, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology2015 - 2020ChairResearch Committee, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology2014 - 2018MemberEpigenomics Advisory Group, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center2014 - 2018MemberEpigenomics Scientific Committee, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center2014 - 2017MemberScientific Review Committee2014 - 2016MemberAnatomic Pathology Clinical Practice Committee, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology2014 - presentMemberInternational Lymphoma Study Group2013 - presentDirectorBiospecimens Core, Mayo Clinic/University of Iowa Lymphoma SPORE, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center2013 - presentMemberAssociation for Molecular Pathology2012 - presentAd Hoc Peer Review CommitteeAmerican Cancer Society2011 - presentMemberDivision of Experimental Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology2011 - presentMemberMayo Clinic Cancer Center2011 - presentMemberLiason to American Society of Clinical Pathology, Society for Hematopathology2011 - presentMemberPeripheral T-cell Lymphoma Subtype Working Group, International Lymphoma Epidemiology Consortium (InterLymph)2010 - presentMemberNational Cancer Institute Lymphoma Steering Committee (LYSC), T-cell Lymphoma Working Group2006 - presentMemberZumbro Valley Medical Society 2006 - presentMemberMinnesota Medical Association2006 - presentMemberEuropean Association for Haematopathology2006 - presentMemberSociety for Hematopathology2003 - 2005Fellow RepresentativeGraduate Medical Education Committee, National Institutes of Health2003 - presentMemberAmerican Society of Hematology2002 - 2005LiaisonResident Physician Section, American Society for Clinical Pathology2002 - presentMemberAmerican Association for Cancer Research2001 - presentMemberAmerican Society of Clinical Pathology2001 - presentMemberUnited States and Canadian Academy of PathologyShow more professional membershipsPublicationsSee my publicationsResearch activitiesSee a description of research activities. Conditions treatedInterestsMayo Clinic locationsEducationActivities and honors Request an appointment PST-20224226 Doctors & Medical Staff Feldman, Andrew L. M.D.