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Rolland C. Dickson, M.D.

  1. Internist
  2. Transplant Hepatologist


  1. McCain JD, Dickson RC, Cai J, Zhang N, Pungpapong S, Aqel BA, Chascsa DMH. Hepatitis B reactivation after solid organ transplantation: A single-center experience. Journal of Liver Transplantation. 2024; 15:100227
  2. Taguchi YV, Snyder DL, Shah JB, Dickson RC. Deglutition Syncope After Variceal Band Ligation. Am J Gastroenterol 2021 Aug 1; 116 (8):1763
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  3. Lizaola-Mayo BC, Dickson RC, Lam-Himlin DM, Chascsa DM. Exogenous copper exposure causing clinical wilson disease in a patient with copper deficiency. BMC Gastroenterol. 2021 Jul 8; 21 (1):278 Epub 2021 July 08
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  4. Aqel B, Wijarnpreecha K, Pungpapong S, Taner CB, Reddy K, Leise M, Mi L, Dickson RC. Outcomes following liver transplantation from HCV-seropositive donors to HCV-seronegative recipients. J Hepatol. 2021 Apr; 74 (4):873-880 Epub 2020 Nov 12
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  5. Tse CS, Yang JD, Mousa OY, Nelson KM, Pungpapong S, Keaveny A, Aqel BA, Vargas H, Dickson RC, Watt K, Gores GJ, Roberts LR, Leise MD. Direct-Acting Antiviral Therapy in Liver Transplant Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Hepatitis C. Transplant Direct. 2021 Jan; 7(1):e635. Epub 2020 Dec 08.
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  6. Bersoux S, Mi L, Aqel BA, Dickson RC. Hepatitis C Testing and Liver Fibrosis Predictors in the Birth Cohort of a Primary Care Practice. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2020 Aug; 4 (4):384-390 Epub 2020 July 15
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  7. Shah SL, Anderson JC, Shatzel JJ, Toor A, Dickson RC. The Epidemiology and Clinical Associations of Portal Vein Thrombosis in Hospitalized Patients With Cirrhosis: A Nationwide Analysis From the National Inpatient Sample. J Hosp Med 2018 May 1; 13 (5):324-325 Epub 2017 Dec 06
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  8. Shatzel J, Dulai PS, Harbin D, Cheung H, Reid TN, Kim J, James SL, Khine H, Batman S, Whyman J, Dickson RC, Ornstein DL. Safety and efficacy of pharmacological thromboprophylaxis for hospitalized patients with cirrhosis: a single-center retrospective cohort study. J Thromb Haemost. 2015 Jul; 13: (7)1245-53.
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  9. Glass LM, Dickson RC, Anderson JC, Suriawinata AA, Putra J, Berk BS, Toor A. Total body weight loss of >= 10 % is associated with improved hepatic fibrosis in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Dig Dis Sci. 2015 Apr; 60: (4)1024-30.
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  10. Axelrod DA, Dzebisashvili N, Lentine K, Segev DL, Dickson R, Tuttle-Newhall E, Freeman R, Schnitzler M. Assessing variation in the costs of care among patients awaiting liver transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2014 Jan; 14: (1)70-8.
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  11. Pockros PJ, Jensen D, Tsai N, Taylor R, Ramji A, Cooper C, Dickson R, Tice A, Kulkarni R, Vierling JM, Lou Munson M, Chen YC, Najera I, Thommes J, JUMP-C Investigators. JUMP-C: a randomized trial of mericitabine plus pegylated interferon alpha-2a/ribavirin for 24 weeks in treatment-naive HCV genotype 1/4 patients. Hepatology. 2013 Aug; 58: (2)514-23.
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  12. Ghabril M, Dickson RC, Krishna M, Machicao V, Aranda-Michel J, Bonatti H, Nguyen JH. Explanted liver inflammatory grade predicts fibrosis progression in hepatitis C recurrence. Liver Transpl. 2011 Jun; 17(6):685-94.
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  13. Dickson RC, Pungpapong S, Keaveny AP, Taner CB, Ghabril M, Aranda-Michel J, Satyanarayana R, Bonatti H, Kramer DJ, Nguyen JH. Improving graft survival for patients undergoing liver transplantation. Clin Transplant. 2011 May-Jun; 25(3):E345-55. Epub 2011 Mar 23.
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  14. Albright JB, Bonatti H, Stauffer J, Dickson RC, Nguyen J, Harnois D, Jeanpierre C, Hinder R, Steers J, Chua H, Aranda-Michel J. Colorectal and anal neoplasms following liver transplantation. Colorectal Dis. 2010 Jul; 12(7):657-66.
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  15. Yataco M, Bonatti H, Machicao V, Mendez J, Stauffer J, Nguyen J, Ghabril M, Ghabril M, Aranda-Michel J, Dickson R. Long term survival and complications after liver transplantation in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Ann Transplant. 2010 Apr-Jun; 15 (2):27-34
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  16. Hughes CB, Dickson RC, Krishna M, Willingham DL, Satyanarayana R, Harnois DM, Keaveny AP, Rosser B, Aranda-Michel J, Kramer DJ, Hellinger W, Mendez J. HCV recurrence in HIV-infected patients after liver transplant. J Int Assoc Physicians AIDS Care (Chic). 2010 Mar-Apr; 9(2):87-93. Epub 2010 Mar 31.
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  17. Stauffer JA, Steers JL, Bonatti H, Aranda-Michel J, Dickson RC, Harnois DM, Nguyen JH. Liver transplantation and pancreatic resection: a single-center experience and a review of the literature. Liver Transpl. 2009 Dec; 15(12):1728-37.
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  18. Aduen JF, Sujay B, Dickson RC, Heckman MG, Hewitt WR, Stapelfeldt WH, Steers JL, Harnois DM, Kramer DJ. Outcomes after liver transplant in patients aged 70 years or older compared with those younger than 60 years. Mayo Clin Proc. 2009 Nov; 84 (11):973-8
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  19. Sibulesky L, Nguyen JH, Paz-Fumagalli R, Taner CB, Dickson RC. Treatment modalities for hypersplenism in liver transplant recipients with recurrent hepatitis C. World J Gastroenterol. 2009 Oct 28; 15 (40):5010-3
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  20. Grewal HP, Willingham DL, Nguyen J, Hewitt WR, Taner BC, Cornell D, Rosser BG, Keaveny AP, Aranda-Michel J, Satyanarayana R, Harnois D, Dickson RC, Kramer DJ, Hughes CB. Liver transplantation using controlled donation after cardiac death donors: an analysis of a large single-center experience. Liver Transpl. 2009 Sep; 15 (9):1028-35
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  21. Thompson ND, Hellinger WC, Kay RS, Cohen L, Ragan P, Voss RA, Bacalis LP, Xia G, Keating MR, Dickson RC, Hughes CB, Williams IT, Perz JF. Healthcare-associated hepatitis C virus transmission among patients in an abdominal organ transplant center. Transpl Infect Dis. 2009 Aug; 11(4):324-9. Epub 2009 May 26.
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  22. Ghabril M, Dickson RC, Krishna M, Bonatti H, Aranda-Michel J, Keaveny AP, Satyanarayana R, Hewitt W, Hughes CB, Nguyen JH. Liver transplantation using young pediatric donor grafts in adults with hepatitis C infection. Transplantation. 2009 Apr 27; 87(8):1174-9.
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  23. Nguyen JH, Bonatti H, Dickson RC, Hewitt WR, Grewal HP, Willingham DL, Harnois DM, Schmitt TM, Machicao VI, Ghabril MS, Keaveny AP, Aranda-Michel J, Satyanarayana R, Rosser BG, Hinder RA, Steers JL, Hughes CB. Long-term outcomes of donation after cardiac death liver allografts from a single center. Clin Transplant. 2009 Mar-Apr; 23(2):168-73. Epub 2009 Feb 11.
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  24. Yataco ML, Dickson RC, Bonatti H, Aranda-Michel J, Mendez J, Ghabril M, Nguyen J. Dual hepatitis virus infections in liver transplant: case report and a review of the literature. Clin Transplant. 2009 Mar-Apr; 23(2):282-8. Epub 2009 Dec 18.
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  25. Nelson DR, Rustgi V, Balan V, Sulkowski MS, Davis GL, Muir AJ, Lambiase LR, Dickson RC, Weisner RH, Fiscella M, Cronin PW, Pulkstenis E, McHutchison JG, Subramanian GM. Safety and antiviral activity of albinterferon alfa-2b in prior interferon nonresponders with chronic hepatitis C. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2009 Feb; 7(2):212-8. Epub 2008 Nov 07.
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  26. Ghabril M, Dickson RC, Krishna M, Lloyd R, Aranda-Michel J, Keaveny A, Satyanarayana R, Bonatti H. Persistence of hepatitis C RNA in liver allografts is associated with histologic progression independent of serologic viral clearance. J Transplant. 2009; 2009:297528. Epub 2009 May 05.
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  27. Pungpapong S, Nunes DP, Krishna M, Nakhleh R, Chambers K, Ghabril M, Dickson RC, Hughes CB, Steers J, Nguyen JH, Keaveny AP. Serum fibrosis markers can predict rapid fibrosis progression after liver transplantation for hepatitis C. Liver Transpl. 2008 Sep; 14: (9)1294-302.
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  28. Ghabril M, Dickson R, Wiesner R. Improving outcomes of liver retransplantation: an analysis of trends and the impact of Hepatitis C infection. Am J Transplant. 2008 Feb; 8 (2):404-11
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  29. Aranda-Michel J, Dickson RC, Bonatti H, Crossfield JR, Keaveny AP, Vasquez AR. Patient selection for liver transplant: 1-year experience with 555 patients at a single center. Mayo Clin Proc. 2008 Feb; 83(2):165-8.
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  30. Nguyen JH, Dickson RC, Harnois DM. A decade of liver transplantation at Mayo Clinic in Florida. Clin Transpl. 2008; 127-35.
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  31. Ghabril M, Dickson RC, Machicao VI, Aranda-Michel J, Keaveny A, Rosser B, Bonatti H, Krishna M, Yataco M, Satyanarayana R, Harnois D, Hewitt W, Willingham DD, Grewal H, Hughes CB, Nguyen J. Liver retransplantation of patients with hepatitis C infection is associated with acceptable patient and graft survival. Liver Transpl. 2007 Dec; 13(12):1717-27.
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  32. Albright JB, Bonatti H, Mendez J, Kramer D, Stauffer J, Hinder R, Michel JA, Dickson RC, Hughes C, Nguyen J, Chua H, Hellinger W. Early and late onset Clostridium difficile-associated colitis following liver transplantation. Transpl Int. 2007 Oct; 20 (10):856-66
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  33. Pungpapong S, Keaveny A, Raimondo M, Dickson R, Woodward T, Harnois D, Wallace M. Accuracy and interobserver agreement of small-caliber vs. conventional esophagogastroduodenoscopy for evaluating esophageal varices. Endoscopy. 2007 Aug; 39(8):673-80. Epub 2007 Jun 22.
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  34. Bonatti H, Sawyer R, Dickson RC, Razonable R, Schmitt T, Mendez J, Singh N, Pruett T. Transmission of viral disease to the recipient through the donor liver. Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation. 2007 Jun; 12(3):231-41.
  35. Falkensammer J, Bonatti H, Dickson RC, Norman K, Nguyen J, Hinder R, Aranda-Michel J. Successful liver transplantation and treatment of recurrent hepatitis C using pegylated alpha-interferon in a patient with Churg-Strauss disease. Transpl Int. 2007 Feb; 20 (2):190-4
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  36. Nields WW, Bonatti H, Harnois D, Hinder R, Nguyen J, Dickson RC, Aranda-Michel J, Randle HW. Squamous cell cancer, basal cell cancer and melanoma in a single liver transplant recipient. Eur. Surg. Acta Chir. Austriaca. 2007; 39(5):321-2.
  37. Dougherty M, Bonatti H, Dickson RC, Aranda-Michel J, Hinder R, Nguyen J, Steers J, Hughes CB. Management of metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor by multiple surgical interventions including pancreatoduodenectomy, liver resection and two liver transplants: Worth the effort? Eur Surg Acta Chir Austriaca. 2007; 39(3):189-91.
  38. Stauffer J, Bonatti H, Norman K, Jean-Pierre C, Nguyen J, Gusler J, Slocum J, Hinder R, Achem S, De Vault K, Dickson RC, Aranda-Michel J. Acid blocking medication usage pre and post liver transplantation. Eur. Surg. Acta Chir. Austriaca. 2007; 39(1):57-60.
  39. Hellinger WC, Bonatti H, Machicao VI, Yao JD, Brumble LM, Alvarez S, Weigand SD, Dickson RC, Harnois DM, Spivey JR, Stapelfeldt WH, Hughes CB, Nguyen JH, Steers JL. Effect of antiviral chemoprophylaxis on adverse clinical outcomes associated with cytomegalovirus after liver transplantation. Mayo Clin Proc. 2006 Aug; 81(8):1029-33.
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  40. Pungpapong S, Alvarez S, Hellinger WC, Kramer DJ, Willingham DL, Mendez JC, Nguyen JH, Hewitt WR, Aranda-Michel J, Harnois DM, Rosser BG, Hughes CB, Grewal HP, Satyanarayana R, Dickson RC, Steers JL, Keaveny AP. Peritonitis after liver transplantation: Incidence, risk factors, microbiology profiles, and outcome. Liver Transpl. 2006 Aug; 12(8):1244-52.
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  41. Bonatti H, Mendez J, Guerrero I, Krishna M, Ananda-Michel J, Yao J, Steers JL, Hellinger W, Dickson RC, Alvarez S. Disseminated Bartonella infection following liver transplantation. Transpl Int. 2006 Aug; 19(8):683-7.
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  42. Yen RD, Bonatti H, Mendez J, Aranda-Michel J, Satyanarayana R, Dickson RC. Case report of lamivudine-resistant hepatitis B virus infection post liver transplantation from a hepatitis B core antibody donor. Am J Transplant. 2006 May; 6 (5 Pt 1):1077-83
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  43. Pungpapong S, Krishna M, Abraham SC, Keaveny AP, Dickson RC, Nakhleh RE. Clinicopathologic findings and outcomes of liver transplantation using grafts from donors with unrecognized and unusual diseases. Liver Transpl. 2006 Feb; 12(2):310-5.
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  44. Balan V, Nelson DR, Sulkowski MS, Everson GT, Lambiase LR, Wiesner RH, Dickson RC, Post AB, Redfield RR, Davis GL, Neumann AU, Osborn BL, Freimuth WW, Subramanian GM. A Phase I/II study evaluating escalating doses of recombinant human albumin-interferon-alpha fusion protein in chronic hepatitis C patients who have failed previous interferon-alpha-based therapy. Antivir Ther. 2006; 11 (1):35-45
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  45. Dickson RC, Terrault NA, Ishitani M, Reddy KR, Sheiner P, Luketic V, Soldevila-Pico C, Fried M, Jensen D, Brown RS Jr, Horwith G, Brundage R, Lok A. Protective antibody levels and dose requirements for IV 5% Nabi Hepatitis B immune globulin combined with lamivudine in liver transplantation for hepatitis B-induced end stage liver disease. Liver Transpl. 2006 Jan; 12: (1)124-33.
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  46. Balan V, Nelson DR, Sulkowski MS, Everson GT, Lambiase LR, Wiesner RH, Dickson RC, Garcia A, Moore PA, Yu R, Subramanian GM. Modulation of interferon-specific gene expression by albumin-interferon-alpha in interferon-alpha-experienced patients with chronic hepatitis C. Antivir Ther. 2006; 11 (7):901-8
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  47. Aqel BA, Scolapio JS, Dickson RC, Burton DD, Bouras EP. Contribution of ascites to impaired gastric function and nutritional intake in patients with cirrhosis and ascites. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2005 Nov; 3 (11):1095-100
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  48. Hellinger WC, Bonatti H, Yao JD, Alvarez S, Brumble LM, Keating MR, Mendez JC, Kramer DJ, Dickson RC, Harnois DM, Spivey JR, Hughes CB, Nguyen JH, Steers JL. Risk stratification and targeted antifungal prophylaxis for prevention of aspergillosis and other invasive mold infections after liver transplantation. Liver Transpl. 2005 Jun; 11(6):656-62.
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  49. Krishna M, Keaveny AP, Genco PV, Rosser BG, Dickson RC, Nguyen JH, Steers JL, Nakhleh RE. Clinicopathological review of 18 cases of liver allografts lost due to bile duct necrosis. Transplant Proc. 2005 Jun; 37(5):2221-3.
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  50. Nakhleh RE, Krishna M, Keaveny AP, Dickson RC, Rosser B, Nguyen JH, Steers JL. Review of 31 cases of morphologic hepatitis in liver transplant patients not related to disease recurrence. Transplant Proc. 2005 Mar; 37(2):1240-2.
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  51. Schmitt TM, Hughes CB, Bonatti H, Harnois DM, Nguyen JH, Dickson RC, Spivey JR, Steers JL. Gallbladder cancer and liver transplantation. Transpl Int. 2005 Jan; 18 (1):52-5
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  52. Ward EM, Raimondo M, Rosser BG, Wallace MB, Dickson RD. Prevalence and natural history of gastric antral vascular ectasia in patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2004 Nov-Dec; 38 (10):898-900
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  53. Aqel BA, Machicao V, Rosser B, Satyanarayana R, Harnois DM, Dickson RC. Efficacy of tacrolimus in the treatment of steroid refractory autoimmune hepatitis. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2004 Oct; 38 (9):805-9
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  54. Machicao VI, Krishna M, Bonatti H, Aqel BA, Nguyen JH, Weigand SD, Rosser BG, Hughes C, Dickson RC. Hepatitis C recurrence is not associated with allograft steatosis within the first year after liver transplantation. Liver Transpl. 2004 May; 10(5):599-606.
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  55. Machicao VI, Bonatti H, Krishna M, Aqel BA, Lukens FJ, Nguyen JH, Rosser BG, Satyanarayana R, Grewal HP, Hewitt WR, Harnois DM, Crook JE, Steers JL, Dickson RC. Donor age affects fibrosis progression and graft survival after liver transplantation for hepatitis C. Transplantation. 2004 Jan 15; 77(1):84-92.
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  56. Ukleja A, Scolapio JS, McConnell JP, Dickson RC, Nguyen JH, O'Brien PC. Serum and hepatic vitamin E assessment in cirrhotics before transplantation. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2003 Jan-Feb; 27(1):71-3.
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  57. Hellinger WC, Yao JD, Alvarez S, Blair JE, Cawley JJ, Paya CV, O'Brien PC, Spivey JR, Dickson RC, Harnois DM, Douglas DD, Hughes CB, Nguyen JH, Mulligan DC, Steers JL. A randomized, prospective, double-blinded evaluation of selective bowel decontamination in liver transplantation. Transplantation. 2002 Jun 27; 73 (12):1904-9
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  58. Devarbhavi HC, Cohen AJ, Patel R, Wiesner RH, Dickson RC, Ishitani MB. Preliminary results: outcome of liver transplantation for hepatitis B virus varies by hepatitis B virus genotype. Liver Transpl. 2002 Jun; 8: (6)550-5.
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  59. Ukleja A, Scolapio JS, McConnell JP, Spivey JR, Dickson RC, Nguyen JH, O'Brien PC. Nutritional assessment of serum and hepatic vitamin A levels in patients with cirrhosis. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2002 May-Jun; 26: (3)184-8.
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  60. Perrillo RP, Wright T, Rakela J, Levy G, Schiff E, Gish R, Martin P, Dienstag J, Adams P, Dickson R, Anschuetz G, Bell S, Condreay L, Brown N, Lamivudine North American Transplant Group. A multicenter United States-Canadian trial to assess lamivudine monotherapy before and after liver transplantation for chronic hepatitis B. Hepatology. 2001 Feb; 33(2):424-32.
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  61. Scornik JC, Lauwers GY, Reed AI, Howard RJ, Dickson RC, Rosen CB. Infusion of donor spleen cells and rejection in liver transplant recipients. Clin Transplant. 2000 Feb; 14(1):55-60.
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  62. Dickson RC, Mizokami M, Orito E, Qian KP, Lau JY. Quantification of serum HCV core antigen by a fluorescent enzyme immunoassay in liver transplant recipients with recurrent hepatitis C-- clinical and virologic implications. Transplantation. 1999 Nov 27; 68(10):1512-6.
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  63. Caras SD, Dickson RC, Lin Z, Ishitani MB, Caldwell SH, Chen JD. Gastric myoelectric activity in patients with end-stage liver disease. Scand J Gastroenterol. 1999 Sep; 34(9):883-8.
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  64. Dickson RC, Lauwers GY, Rosen CB, Cantwell R, Nelson DR, Lau JY. The utility of noninvasive serologic markers in the management of early allograft rejection in liver transplantation recipients. Transplantation. 1999 Jul 27; 68(2):247-53.
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  65. Dickson RC. Management of posttransplantation viral hepatitis--hepatitis B. Liver Transpl Surg. 1998 Sep; 4: (5 Suppl 1)S73-8.
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  66. Dickson RC, Everhart JE, Lake JR, Wei YL, Seaberg EC, Wiesner RH, Zetterman RK, Pruett TL, Ishitani MB, Hoofnagle JH, Detre KM, Demetris AJ, Lombardero M, Seaberg E, Lawlor S, Fitzgerald S, Haber J, Swanson GL, Wiesner R, Krom R, Porayko MK, Schwerman L, Groettum C, Shaw B, Taylor K, et al. Transmission of hepatitis B by transplantation of livers from donors positive for antibody to hepatitis B core antigen. Gastroenterology. 1997 Nov; 113(5):1668-1674.
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  67. Ishitani M, McGory R, Dickson R, Caldwell S, Bickston S, McCullough C, Pruett T, Terrault N, Roberts J, Ascher N, Wright T, Lake J. Retransplantation of patients with severe posttransplant hepatitis B in the first allograft. Transplantation. 1997 Aug 15; 64(3):410-4.
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  68. Dickson RC, Wright RM, Bacchetta MD, Bodily SE, Caldwell SH, Driscoll CJ, Pruett TL, Ishitani MB. Quality of life of hepatitis B and C patients after liver transplantation. Clin Transplant. 1997 Aug; 11(4):282-5.
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  69. Dickson RC, Qian KP, Lau JY. High prevalence of GB virus-C/hepatitis G virus infection in liver transplant recipients. Transplantation. 1997 Jun 15; 63(11):1695-7.
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  70. Dickson RC, Gaffey MJ, Ishitani MB, Roarty TP, Driscoll CJ, Caldwell SH. The international autoimmune hepatitis score in chronic hepatitis C. J Viral Hepat. 1997 Mar; 4(2):121-8.
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  71. Dickson RC. Clinical manifestations of hepatitis C. Clin Liv Dis. 1997:1569-1585.
  72. Caldwell SH, de Lange EE, Gaffey MJ, Sue M, Boyd JC, Dickson RC, Driscoll C, Stevenson WC, Ishitani MB, McCullough C, Pruett TL. Accuracy and significance of pretransplant liver volume measured by magnetic resonance imaging. Liver Transplantation & Surgery. 1996 Nov; 2(6):438-42.
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  73. Sue M, Caldwell SH, Dickson RC, Macalindong C, Rourk RM, Charles C, Doobay R, Cambridge SL, Barritt AS, McCallum RW. Variation between centers in technique and guidelines for liver biopsy. Liver. 1996 Aug; 16(4):267-70.
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  74. Ishitani M, McGory R, Dickson R, Caldwell S, Bickston S, McCullough C, Pruett T. Successful retransplantation for recurrent posttransplant hepatitis B virus infection in the primary allograft. Transplant Proc. 1996 Jun; 28(3):1714-6.
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  75. McGory RW, Ishitani MB, Oliveira WM, Stevenson WC, McCullough CS, Dickson RC, Caldwell SH, Pruett TL. Improved outcome of orthotopic liver transplantation for chronic hepatitis B cirrhosis with aggressive passive immunization. Transplantation. 1996 May 15; 61(9):1358-64.
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  76. Dickson RC, Caldwell SH, Ishitani MB, Lau JY, Driscoll CJ, Stevenson WC, McCullough CS, Pruett TL. Clinical and histologic patterns of early graft failure due to recurrnet hepatitis C in four patients after liver transplantation. Transplantation. 1996 Mar 15; 61(5):701-5.
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  77. Caldwell SH, Sue M, Bowden JH, Dickson RC, Driscoll CJ, Yeaton P, Stevenson WC, Ishitani MB, McCullough CS, Pruett TL, Lovell MA. Hepatitis C virus in body fluids after liver transplantation. Liver Transplantation & Surgery. 1996 Mar; 2(2):124-9.
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  78. Caldwell SH, Dickson RC, Driscoll C, Sue M. Sexual, vertical and household transmission of hepatitis C. Va Med Q. 1995 Fall; 122(4):270-4.
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  79. Caldwell SH, Halliday JW, Fletcher LM, Kulaga M, Murphy TL, Li X, Dickson RC, Kiyasu PK, Featherston PL, Sosnowski K. Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin in alcoholics with liver disease. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 1995 Mar-Apr; 10(2):174-178.
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  80. Stevenson W, Gaffey M, Ishitani M, McCullough C, Dickson R, Caldwell S, Lobo P, Pruett T. Clinical course of four patients receiving the experimental antiviral agent fialuridine for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B infection. Transplant Proc. 1995 Feb; 27(1):1219-21.
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  81. McGory RW, Ishitani MB, Oliveira WM, Stevenson WC, Dickson RC, Caldwell SH, Pruett TL. Effects of fialuridine on hepatitis B immune globulin pharmacokinetics following orthotopic liver transplant for chronic hepatitis B viral- induced cirrhosis. Transplant Proc. 1995 Feb; 27(1):1213-4.
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  82. Caldwell SH, Feeley JW, Wieboldt TF, Featherston PL, Dickson RC. Acute hepatitis with use of over-the-counter herbal remedies. Va Med Q. 1994 Winter; 121(1):31-3.
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  83. Kiyasu PK, Ishitani MB, McGory RW, Gaffey MJ, Dickson RC, Caldwell SH, Stevenson WS, Pruett TL. Prevention of hepatitis B "recurrence" after a second liver transplant--the role of maintenance polyclonal HBIG therapy. Transplantation. 1994 Oct 27; 58(8):954-6.
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  84. Dickson RC, Bronk SF, Gores GJ. Glycine cytoprotection during lethal hepatocellular injury from adenosine triphosphate depletion. Gastroenterology. 1992 Jun; 102 (6):2098-107
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  85. Garraway M, Dickson R, Whisnant J, Turney T. Impact of computed tomography on subdural hematoma. A population study. JAMA. 1985 Apr 26; 253(16):2378-81.
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