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Gustavo A. Cortes Puentes, M.D.


  1. Al-Husinat L, Azzam S, Al Sharie S, Araydah M, Battaglini D, Abushehab S, Cortes-Puentes GA, Schultz MJ, Rocco PRM. A narrative review on the future of ARDS: evolving definitions, pathophysiology, and tailored management. Crit Care. 2025 Feb 24; 29 (1):88
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  2. Cortes-Puentes GA, Matatko M, Bartholmai BJ, Edell ES, Lim KG. Evaluating physician concordance in interpretation of tracheobronchomalacia diagnosis and phenotyping using dynamic expiratory chest computed tomography. Sci Rep. 2025 Jan 25; 15 (1):3278
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  3. Harris BRE, Cortes Puentes GA, DeMartino ES, Zheutlin AR, Stulberg EL. County Level Social Determinates of Health and Correlation with COPD Prevalence in the US. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2024 Dec 19 [Epub ahead of print]
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  4. Gustavo A. Cortes-Puentes, Thomas G. Allison, Caroline J. Davidge-Pitts, Cesar A. Gonzalez, Amanda R. Bonikowske, Kaiser G. Lim, Cassie C. Kennedy. Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Transgender and Gender-Diverse Patients: The Influence of Sex and Gender on Predicted Aerobic Capacity CHEST Pulmonary. 2024.
  5. Lees EH, Cardozo Torres H, Edell ES, Cortes Puentes G, Foley TA, Reisenauer JS, Allison TG. A rare cause of dyspnea on exertion with a cardiopulmonary exercise stress test. Respir Med Case Rep. 2024; 52:102109 Epub 2024 Sept 24
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  6. Kanj AN, Rovati L, Zambrano CC, Castillo Zambrano C, Marquez A, Robbins K, Cortes Puentes G, Puentes GC, De Moraes AG, Gallo De Moraes A, Gajic O. EXPLORING THE ROLE OF CENTRAL VENOUS OXYGEN SATURATION IN THE EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENT OF SEVERE HYPOXEMIA IN MECHANICALLY VENTILATED PATIENTS. Shock. 2023 Nov 1; 60 (5):646-651 Epub 2023 Sept 02
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  7. Cortes-Puentes GA, Davidge-Pitts CJ, Gonzalez CA, Dulohery Scrodin MM, Kennedy CC, Lim KG. A 64-year-Old patient assigned male at birth with COPD and worsening dyspnea while on estrogen and antiandrogen agents. Respir Med Case Rep. 2023; 44:101876 Epub 2023 May 29
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  8. Zhou Y, Holets SR, Li M, Cortes-Puentes GA, Meyer TJ, Hanson AC, Schulte PJ, Oeckler RA. Etiology, incidence, and outcomes of patient-ventilator asynchrony in critically-ill patients undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation. Sci Rep. 2021 Jun 11; 11 (1):12390 Epub 2021 June 11
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  9. Bai C, Chotirmall SH, Rello J, Alba GA, Ginns LC, Krishnan JA, Rogers R, Bendstrup E, Burgel PR, Chalmers JD, Chua A, Crothers KA, Duggal A, Kim YW, Laffey JG, Luna CM, Niederman MS, Raghu G, Ramirez JA, Riera J, Roca O, Tamae-Kakazu M, Torres A, Watkins RR, Barrecheguren M, Belliato M, Chami HA, Chen R, Cortes-Puentes GA, Delacruz C, Hayes MM, Heunks LMA, Holets SR, Hough CL, Jagpal S, Jeon K, Johkoh T, Lee MM, Liebler J, McElvaney GN, Moskowitz A, Oeckler RA, Ojanguren I, O'Regan A, Pletz MW, Rhee CK, Schultz MJ, Storti E, Strange C, Thomson CC, Torriani FJ, Wang X, Wuyts W, Xu T, Yang D, Zhang Z, Wilson KC. Updated guidance on the management of COVID-19: from an American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society coordinated International Task Force (29 July 2020). Eur Respir Rev. 2020 Sep 30; 29 (157) Epub 2020 Oct 05
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  10. American Thoracic Society led COVID19 International Task Force ATS. COVID-19: Interim Guidance on Management Pending Empirical Evidence. From an American Thoracic Society-led International Task Force American Thoracic Society. 2020.
  11. Cortes-Puentes GA, Westerly B, Schiavo D, Wang S, Stroetz R, Walters B, Hubmayr RD, Oeckler RA. Hypercapnia Alters Alveolar Epithelial Repair by a pH-Dependent and Adenylate Cyclase-Mediated Mechanism. Sci Rep. 2019 Jan 23; 9 (1):349
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  12. Cortes-Puentes GA, Oeckler RA, Marini JJ. Physiology-guided management of hemodynamics in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Ann Transl Med. 2018 Sep; 6 (18):353
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  13. Cortes-Puentes GA, Cipulli F, Quintel M, Marini JJ, Gattinoni L, Oeckler RA. Mechanical Power in the Setting of Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) Titrated by Esophageal Pressure Critical Care Medicine. 2018; In Submission.
  14. Cortes-Puentes GA, Gard KE, Adams AB, Dries DJ, Quintel M, Oeckler RA, Gattinoni L, Marini JJ. Positional effects on the distributions of ventilation and end-expiratory gas volume in the asymmetric chest-a quantitative lung computed tomographic analysis. Intensive Care Med Exp. 2018 Apr 10; 6 (1):9
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  15. Keenan JC, Cortes-Puentes GA, Zhang L, Adams AB, Dries DJ, Marini JJ. PEEP titration: the effect of prone position and abdominal pressure in an ARDS model. Intensive Care Med Exp. 2018 Jan 30; 6 (1):3
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  16. Tomic R, Cortes-Puentes GA, Murugan P, Joo Kim H, Amin K, Dincer HE. Acute Exacerbation of Interstitial Lung Disease After Cryobiopsy. J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol. 2017 May 18;
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  17. Keenan JC, Cortes-Puentes GA, Adams AB, Dries DJ, Marini JJ. The Effect of Compartmental Asymmetry on the Monitoring of Pulmonary Mechanics and Lung Volumes. Respir Care. 2016 Nov; 61: (11)1536-1542.
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  18. Cortes-Puentes GA, Keenan JC, Adams AB, Parker ED, Dries DJ, Marini JJ. Impact of Chest Wall Modifications and Lung Injury on the Correspondence Between Airway and Transpulmonary Driving Pressures. Crit Care Med. 2015 Aug; 43: (8)e287-95.
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  19. Cortes-Puentes GA, Gard K, Keenan JC, Adams A, Dries D, Marini JJ. Unilateral mechanical asymmetry: positional effects on lung volumes and transpulmonary pressure. Intensive Care Med Exp. 2014 Dec; 2: (1)4.
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  20. Cortes-Puentes GA, Gard K, Keenan J, Adams A, Dries D, Marini JJ. Positional effects on lung volumes and transpulmonary pressure during unilateral mechanical asymmetry. Minn Med. 2014 Jun; 97 (6):44
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  21. Cortes-Puentes GA, Gard KE, Adams AB, Faltesek KA, Anderson CP, Dries DJ, Marini JJ. Value and limitations of transpulmonary pressure calculations during intra-abdominal hypertension. Crit Care Med. 2013 Aug; 41: (8)1870-7.
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  22. Cortes-Puentes LA, Torres JI, Cortes-Puentes GA, Beltran J, Hernandez G, Beltran O. Acid-base profile of patients with cirrhosis decompensated by upper digestive tract hemorrhage in the emergency department: case series Acta Colombiana de Cuidado Intensivo..2013;13:(2)106-113.
  23. Cortes-Puentes GA, Cortes-Puentes LA, Adams AB, Anderson CP, Marini JJ, Dries DJ. Experimental intra-abdominal hypertension influences airway pressure limits for lung protective mechanical ventilation. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2013 Jun; 74: (6)1468-73.
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  24. Cortes GA, Marini JJ. Two steps forward in bedside monitoring of lung mechanics: transpulmonary pressure and lung volume. Crit Care. 2013 Mar 19; 17: (2)219.
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  25. Formenti P, Graf J, Cortes GA, Faltesek K, Gard K, Adams AB, Tashjian J, Dries DJ, Marini JJ. Experimental intra-abdominal hypertension attenuates the benefit of positive end-expiratory pressure in ventilating effusion-compressed lungs*. Crit Care Med. 2012 Jul; 40: (7)2176-81.
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  26. Cortes GA, Marini JJ. Update: adjuncts to mechanical ventilation. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2012 Apr; 25: (2)156-63.
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  27. Raffan F, Niño C, Cortes GA. Melatonina: De La Farmacia Naturista A La Unidad De Cuidado Intensivo (Melatonin: From Natural Pharmacy To The Intensive Care Unit). Acta Colombiana de Cuidado Intensivo.2008;8:(3)202-211.