Michael J. Maniaci, M.D., Chief Clinical Officer, Advanced Care at Home, Mayo Clinic in Florida: We are pleased to share some of the details about Mayo Clinic's Advanced Care at Home program with you. Advanced Care at Home is part of Mayo Clinic's vision to provide care in a new and innovative way by offering people with certain conditions and health status to receive hospital-level care in the comfort of their own home. Health and safety are at the center of our care. The care combines both virtual and in-home care to meet your individual needs.

All care is led by a Mayo Clinic physician from a command center on Mayo Clinic's campus. A team of advanced practice providers, pharmacists and nurses to provide care virtually. The command center works directly with Mayo and other community-based care partners that come into your home to provide care in person. All the service partners coming into your home follow current infection control practices.

Margaret Paulson, D.O., Chief Clinical Officer, Advanced Care at Home, Mayo Clinic Health System, NW Wisconsin: This collaboration of virtual and in-person care matches the care received in the hospital.

People can enter the Advanced Care at Home program from a hospital unit, the emergency department or even from a doctor's office. Once enrolled in the program, you are transported home, usually by an ambulance. Mayo Clinic community paramedics meet you at your home and are with you for at least an hour to admit you into the program. This involves a physical assessment of your health, a safety assessment of your home and setup of the technology needed to support your virtual care. The community paramedic also teaches you how to use each piece of technology and checks to make sure the equipment works properly.

Dr. Maniaci: Your technology setup includes an iPad that shows your daily scheduled appointments and allows you to start a video chat with your nurse at any time day or night. If you have a question or start to feel worse, you can simply push a button and your nurse or physician will be on the screen ready to talk to you. A blood pressure cuff, a scale to monitor your weight and a device that measures your oxygen levels. Personal emergency response bracelet or a necklace that must be worn in case you need urgent help. A telephone that dials directly into the command center for immediate connection to your care team.

The first few days feel very similar to a hospital stay, with multiple service partners coming in and out of your home. Nurses, community paramedics, advanced care providers and other team members are deployed to your home based on your Mayo physicians' directions. In addition, expect delivery of medications, supplies and other equipment to meet your care needs.

Visits may be early in the morning or late in the evening depending on the medications and care you need. Ask your physician when it's safe for you to leave your home and start to get back to your normal routine. In addition to the in-person visits, your nurse visits with you virtually about four times a day to help you take your medications and vital signs and see how you're feeling.

As you begin to feel better, the focus shifts to teaching you how to take your own medications while being an active partner in your continued care.

Dr. Paulson: We know family and friends can often be a great support system. We welcome the opportunity to meet them and include them in your care plan and visits with your care team if you wish.

The Advanced Care at Home program is covered by insurance similar to a hospital stay and any care you would receive after hospitalization. Standard copayments, coinsurance and deductibles apply.

Our team works with your primary care provider and any specialists you see to update them on your progress. This is especially important as you get closer to leaving the program and restarting care with your usual care team.

On your last day of the program, you meet with a nurse practitioner or physician assistant to go over your medications and any instructions for your ongoing care. At that time, we pack up the technology delivered to your home and take it with us.

Thank you for taking the time to better understand the Advanced Care at Home program at Mayo Clinic, where the needs of our patients come first. This program allows us to come directly to you and provide Mayo-level care in the comfort of your own home.

Let your nurse know if you are interested in learning more about the Advanced Care at Home program for your own care.