Mayo Clinic's position on product endorsement

    Mayo Clinic does not support or endorse any commercial products or companies and never has. Yet, from time to time, we hear from concerned consumers, patients and employees or the media about materials they see in the marketplace where a non-Mayo company has used the Mayo Clinic name to help market a product or service. This type of unauthorized use of the Mayo Clinic name should not be misconstrued as an endorsement or support for a particular product, service or company.


    See some examples below of product mentions. In none of these instances did Mayo Clinic authorize its name being used. Mayo does not support these or any other advertising claims:

    • Nutri-Health Supplements distributed a publication via direct mail called “The Doctor's Sinus Relief Report,” which promotes its “Flora Source Sinus” supplement product. There are several references to Mayo Clinic throughout the publication that suggest that Mayo Clinic research demonstrates the need or validity of the product. Mayo Clinic does not support the use of this product in any fashion.
    • True Health distributed a publication via direct mail called “Journal of Bowel Health,” which promotes the “Dr. Cutler's Ultimate Colon Care Formula.” A splash on the front cover of the publication claims “Mayo Clinic research reveals hidden warning signs in your poop!” Mayo Clinic does not support the use of this product in any way.

    If you have any questions about the use of the Mayo Clinic name or brand in any commercial ad or other marketing materials, please email

    For reliable and accurate information about health topics, see Mayo Clinic's public website,

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