Erin's story and photos

Erin's rhinoplasty was performed by Mayo Clinic surgeon Grant Hamilton, M.D. To contact Dr. Hamilton about an appointment, please send an email to the RST FPS Rhinoplasty Team.

What motivated you to seek surgery?

I was diagnosed with granulomatosis as a child. Granulomatosis is a disorder that causes inflammation of the blood vessels in the body, including the nose and sinuses. From the early stages of my diagnosis and treatment, I was told that rhinoplasty would be an option for me.

What difference has the surgery made in your life?

I considered my saddle nose as a badge of courage, a battle scar that reminded me and those close to me of all I had overcome. I look in the mirror now and no longer see that constant physical reminder of my disease. I now look how I was meant to look before the granulomatosis.

How has the surgery improved your quality of life?

I'm now able to breathe deeply, whereas before I felt like I was breathing through a very small opening. I'm also able to blow my nose, something I hadn't been able to do for nearly 10 years.

What would you tell someone considering rhinoplasty?

I would tell them that the preparation, surgery and recovery time are worth it. I've gained a confidence in my appearance that I never had before. I would also say that it's not a decision to be made lightly. You'll look in the mirror after your procedure and you may not see yourself staring back for a while. The nose is such a focal point of the face that when it's changed, it's as if the rest of your face changed too.

When did you first start thinking about surgery? What lead to your decision to have the surgery?

I first started thinking about getting the surgery around age 14 or 15, but it wasn't until I turned 19 and had been in remission for a few years that I seriously began considering it. I wanted to look like my peers and not have such a prominent part of my face be a casualty to my disease. It seemed like a good time to get the surgery and finish the granulomatosis chapter of my life.

Photos on the left are from before surgery; photos on the right are the same patient four months later. The individual pictured provided consent for the photos to be published. Similar results cannot be guaranteed because every situation is different.

March 28, 2023
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  2. Nasal surgery: Fixing form and function. American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. Accessed Dec. 4, 2022.
  3. Septoplasty: Deviated septum correction. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Accessed Dec. 4, 2022.
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